Chapter 27: Thunder(2) Unpredictable

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"Thunder breathing first form: Thunder clap and flash no cooldown!." Zenitsu went straight up ahead in blinding speed with Inosuke's Sixth Fang: Palisade Bite which Inosuke simultaneously slashes both direction deflecting many vine whips cutting it, 'I can't throw my swords at him I know mine can cut his neck but if the vines catche's it then I'm off guard.' Inosuke thinks and wondering why Zenitsu replace six folds into no cooldown?.

Inosuke is closing with Upper 8 Zenitsu unleashes combo's of strikes the upper 8 can't predict the next strike of the thunder boy while this boar head keeps closing it's distance, "HAHAHA NOW I TRULLY SEE YOU TWO'S POTENTIAL I SHALL GIVE YOU A GOOD FIGHT!! CAUSE I'M LUKER THAT'S THE NAME THAT WILL END YOU TWO!! ." Upper 8 then grows a flower from his head then it blooms after seconds a dust keeps flowing out Zenitsu inhaled it while on his blinding speed he couldn't move abit and indeed up crashing down trees around the area he knock out 7 branches and got rolled down while coughing blood he can't stand up, 'Paralyzing dust!! No Inosuke might inhale some not good his fighting him!! Aagghhh stand up!.' Zenitsu tries but hopeless from a far he hears Inosuke scream in pain tears flowing through Zenitsu's eyes.

I'm hopeless.

I can't protect my friends.





"Serpent breathing Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent!." Iguro Obanai shows up he knews that the dust can paralyze him he didn't breath for now he save Inosuke right on time before the whips can kill him, "where's Agatsuma!?." Obanai Said while Inosuke's resting from his shoulder, "he sent flying on the south side of the Forrest he did have trail follow the branches that was knock down it was Zenitsu who did it." Inosuke gave all he knows Obanai only nods his head while getting away from the dust screen.

"I'll inject you this this might be able to lessened the duration of the paralyze dust, in my calculation it's effect will wore out in 20 or more than that." Obanai speak as he inject the syringe in Inosuke, "you can't still move I'll bring you and Agatsuma on safe place." Obanai Quickly got out before the whips will attack him he runs to the south he sees tear down branches and yes at the end of it he saw Agatsuma in bloody Haori,"Agatsuma boy you'll be resting on a group of Kakushis and Demon Slayers soo they can protect you." Zenitsu only stares at the serpent pillar as he injects something on him.

"the effe ts will wore off in a minutes soo better you two are safe." Obanai was about to carry Zenitsu then a vine whips whipped Obanai on the back he can't unsheath his sword cause of Inosuke and his hands were on Zenitsu, "Obanai san please let go! Don't worry about me I'm not useful anymo-." Zenitsu was cut off when Obanai said "SHUR UP WILL YA!! WE PILLARS HAVE TO SACRIFICE FOR OUR JUNIOR SLAYERS IF YOU DIE WE CAN'T HAVE OUR NEXT HASHIRAS IF THAT KIBUTSUJI IS ALIVE!!." Iguro picking Zenitsu up and run tree to tree making it an stepping stones while whips is closing in.

Crack!! Obanai along with Zenitsu, Inosuke got bump by something huge in high speed they got caught by and bashing multiple trees Obanai went unconscious and losses grip on the two which got drop out, "urah! The paralyze effect is gone!!." Inosuke spoke Zenitsu was still lying unable to move the paralyze haven't fully worn off in him, Inosuke drags the yellow haired boy towards the crash landing of the big thing.

After some seconds of running while dragging Zenitsu they found out that it's.

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