Chapter 14: BloodBath

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No one's pov

'aaahhh finally awake It's nearly Nightfall the fortress right this is a mission not a suicidal choice Oyakata sama assigned me this there's no backing out I'm ready it's bloodlust time.' Tanjiro Proceed to walk forward to a dark Forrest he walks and walks until he sense a strong scent it's six Demons that has unrivaled scent,' this scent Sniff Sniff crap six upper rank demons shit there might be a bloodbath tonight.' Tanjiro mumble processing his action will he back out or he'll be receiving fatal blow from every six kizuki that he'll be facing with an agonizing pain or death, but if he will back out he'll be addressed as A coward slayer that just killed demons by luck but if he dies here then what about Kanao and his child will he gonna take a risk what if Kanao and his child will go through the same way as he do. (just think that Tanjiro is one thinking that)

"if I kill them all and left only Muzan then they have a chance on killing him without draining their stamina on this upper moons......... Then shall be it." Tanjiro unsheathe his Nichirin blade then the blade turns light crimson red and changed towards the wooden pillars of the fortress as shattered the pillars of the fortress the sound echoes around the corner but as Tanjiro about to walk a string was heard then a sliding door was opened below him as he quick to enter as he finally step foot on the wooden floor there many structures seems confusing upside down, but as he Sniff this all structures were made by demon!, 'soo one of Muzan's subordinates has a art that can manipulate fortresses fuck all of them are here, Muzan, upper 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 no 7 this includes the biwa demon....' then out of nowhere Tanjiro is on stance as he controls his breathing and he got the scent of the Biwa demon and dash in a speed of light but he notice that a door suddenly opened out of nowhere and sent him anywhere as Tanjiro glances at his location it's the plains his resting awhile ago and the sun already sets as there's many fire surrounding the huge area then Tanjiro's attention was taken as he saw Muzan with his pesky subordinates well they make a battlefield for Tanjiro and then Muzan said. " You persistent fool why would you keep chasing me over and over it's been years that your family is dead and you didn't just accept it, you really are a weak, disgusting beings." Tanjiro didn't have his anger take control yet as he remain calm as he mumble something.

" Total concentration Breathing. " Tanjiro then gets to his fighting stance he then activated his Demon slayer mark and he now see through world as he do this his mark begins to spread around his cheeks eyes and his forehead as Muzan's pov his shitting inside as he fells like he almost reach Yoriichi's league.

"Hinokami Kagura dance!." as he said out loud which alerts the upper moons Muzan quickly got teleported back to the fortress and vanished leaving his subordinates to fight him, as he swing his blade and every demons bit they are quick to retaliate as they sent him flying back then one of the Moons quickly use their blood demon art, " blood demon art cold white princesses." One with the fan created a femal humanoid figures at the end of his lotuses using ice with the ability to target this attack is long range and it will instantly freeze it's surroundings Tanjiro Quickly use one of his breathing forms," Sun breathing Parhelion rainbow." then his after image vanished having a traced of rainbow after that counter attack he quickly goes behind the fan Demons as his eyes says upper moon 2,"sun breathing  raging sun!." then it unleashes two horizontal slashes to hit an enemy from the front or side this almost cut the demons neck as one demon with six eyes blocks the attack with breathing form.

"moon breathing dark moon evening palace!." it swiftly deflect the attack then another demon quickly send her sashes as one with sickle charges at Tanjiro and the fan demon use blood demon art and the six eyed demon controls his breathing and one demon whom betrayed the HQ that's have black thunder, and then four more demons has shown one with a big fan, a spear, a staff, a bird,and one demon whose living in the pot also readied his art.

( /= means another person speaks okay and anyway I'm sleepy soo just you know understand who's using this blood demon arts.)

"Blood demon art Rotating Circular Slashes: Flying Blood Scythes! / blood demon art Eight Layered Obi Slash!!/ blood demon art Scattering Lotuses...... Blood demon art- Rime — Water Lily Bodhisattva! (a statue that only Douma can control as he launch its fist towards Tanjiro) / Moon breathing Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy, Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant
(at this state Kokushibo makes his sword long with an additional blade tips then unleashes an disastrous attack)
Catastrophe - Tenman Crescent Moon!! / *fan swing, sound wave, spear increasing length, and electric staff was launch forwsrd Tanjiro*/ thunder breathing Thunder Swarm....... Rumble and Flash!!. " Tanjiro thought that this assholes think attacking the same time would do the trick.

(anyway the demon said it together for now except Gyokko)

'Demons sure has no communication and team work... then'. "hinokami Kagura Parhelion Rainbow." in a second Tanjiro Disappear from the spot and leave traces of rainbow as the upper moons attack collide to each other even the sickle armed demon got killed in the colliding of attacks they were some demons are wounded by the attack then this is Tanjiro's chance as he performed, "Sun breathing Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance." this hits different enemies in one go, Tanjiro Managed to decapitate the four demons who has marked on their tongue and manage to land a deep wound on other upper moons and cutted the sash demons head.

The six eyed demon manage to blocked it immediately and makes a blow on Tanjiro as he barely dodges it and then upper moon 2 makes a slash at Tanjiro's legs, abdomen, and shoulder not a deep wound, then the pot like demon launch thousands of needles to Tanjiro he got hit by some of it, then the thunder demon goes for a quick retaliation but, "Sun breathing clear blue sky." then it cuts the thunder demons head of its shoulders as it quickly turned to ashes, and six eyed Demon unleash another attack.

"Moon breathing: Drilling Slashes - Moon Through Bamboo Leaves. Waning Moonswaths. Moon-Dragon Ringtail. Mirror of Misfortune - Moonlit. Moonbow - Half Moon." at this rate Tanjiro couldn't arely dodge and got hit by any of its attack it makes him vulnerable man that has deep wounds on his abdomen, legs, knees, head, arms. Tanjiro in the other hand had enough and wants to finished this, " Sun breathing dance. "then dashes infront of upper moon 2 and used, " sun breathing clear blue sky. " Douma managed to dodge the attack but his one arm got slash and sound of sszzzz burning blood makes Tanjiro even more psychopath.

"sun breathing  Raging Sun." Tanjiro's attack continues and dashes at Kokushibo "Sun breathing Burning Bones, Summer Sun!." Kokushibo got slashed at his arm and goes for another one but not until Douma deflected it with his statue, "Sun breathing Setting Sun Transformation!!." Tanjiro's continuing on attack his slashes and forms are now precise and accurately fast as he almost cuts  Douma's head if it isn't for the biwa demon blocking then teleporting them back same goes to the pot demon leaving Tanjiro alone with the dead demons.

As Tanjiro about to die A lady help him out it turned out to be Tamayo as they headed to the Asakusa village in a quick pace, and treat his wounds but his dying Tamayo can't do anything if Tanjiro dies here them who'll kill Muzan?.

" that battle sure is blood bath right Yushiro?." then the Demon doctor's  simp-I mean follower nodded and following her orders.

To be continued. (men did you like it ugh I kinda take that as a no or yes rarely. And sorry if another word where typed wrong again my apology ill do it better next time.)

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