chapter 36: New Beginning

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Tanjiro's nosed caught a faint scent and that scent is familiar that will mixed his anger as he growled Loudly and fastly crawled following the scent leaving the bloody Hashiras,"Dang why...he didn't kill us."Inosuke looks at Tanjiro's direction and uses his spatial awareness and seems Tanjiro passes his skill radar,"His fast even though his crawling like total psychopath mixed with sadistic demon."."We can't blame him Inosuke he gone through many and this one might hit him through the heart."Zenitsu told Inosuke some of Tanjiro's story and he began feeling guilt,"yeah he did."they all retreated from the battle field only making a fuss on the middle of the woods.

Tanjiro pov (89% of corrupted side 11% of humanity left.)

GGRRRRRRRRRR THIS SCENT MY INSTINCT WERE KICKING IN WHY WOULD I LIKE TO KILL THIS PERSON WHOM IM TRYING TO CHASE........WHY NOT HAVING A GOOD MEAL AT THOSE BLOODY HASHIRAS,AND WHY MY TENTACLES AREN'T LIKE TO HIT THAT GIRL WITH A FLOWER PATTERN HAORI AARRRGGHHHH I'LL KILL THIS GUY THEN IT'LL BE JUST BE SETTLED."f*ck I've been crawling for like an 30 minutes the sun began to rise on the horizon I need to find shelter shit I'm...........I know this battle field this is where I clap those uppermoons arrrghh no time for that!.

"Huh!?."argh I got pinned on the ground by this weird black sticks shit the sun will finish me if I.....*swoosh!*aaarrgghhh shit I guess I'll die right now arrrrgghhhh shit the sun's ray is penetrating my skin arrrghh I need to my eyes so I cannot go blind.

No one's pov.

The sun finally rise as and the back sticks perish while Tanjiro stayed for a longer he rolled over growling and groaning in pain is wouldn't last long until,"hah this might be a dream right? Am I in hell I........yes I conquered the sun before my eyes,this is cool so I can rip his ass."Tanjiro goes to their direction but he found nothing he furiously cuts the half of the place's trees since his tentacles have length limit,"I should praise him for little cause I got to see this beautiful shine of the sun and this feeling the feeling immortal!,But something is missing......I don't know what this is it's bothering me who or what did i miss?."

Tanjiro calms down for abit then.

Tanjiro takes a stroll around the Asakusa village in the day time Asakusa looks like a marketing place not that crowded but in night time it's where the crowd begun many lights were lit up but it's also a demons favor if some lost in the forest went missing and ended up finding the body barely unrecognizable,Tanjiro knows he's stronger than all the current nor the resigned Hashiras but he didn't dare cause a ruckus onto this morning.

"Ugh why are my self sticky is it because of blood sheds! Or my saliva?."Tanjiro remembers there are a hot spring at the swordsmith village he still remembers the location (his estate is near the swordsmith village and they rebuild the village in the same area)"Maybe hot spring might cool me down."Tanjiro flicks away from his spot his jumping branch to branch to fasten his speed he calculated he might have a 1 hour run for him to get there.

At the head quarter.

"Damn! I'm soo weak........ugghh I hate my strength."Zenitsu blames himself for not able to save Tanjiro from going berserk from the fight Inosuke's back to training too his repeating Tanjiro's training but he put a little difficulty on his Aoi was developing some poison she knew at the near future Muzan again will have newly recruit Uppermoons she knew that they no longer have to cling onto Tanjiro's breathing style and power to just Woop their asses one by one or two by two or he would just 1 v all,"Tamayo san! How's the resurrecting process?."Aoi questions her but she ask her,"Bad news or Good news?."This surprise Aoi this is the first time she asked her about bad news or Good news since they didn't have a problem on resurrecting someone except a boy.

"Good news,first."Aoi said as Tamayo stated,"Kanao Tsuyuri will gonna be resurrected after 5 months after since her insides weren't robbed by demons cause you know making organs ain't fun hehe."Tamayo sighed as she's feeling down Aoi then asked her about the bad news she's being impatient if something wrong with Kanao,"She will be resurrected at 5 months after right but the problem is....... I don't know how to put these into words.........her memories is temporarily lost the way to help her is to one by one remaking the scene from her memories cause there is a medium chance she will remember."Aoi nods her head she got troubled at the thought,'Kanao doesn't spend time with us only sometimes when they visited the Beast estate where they need medicine for their family,and Zenitsu and the former pillars also told me that Kanao didn't go out that much and she didn't have time spending time with them nor she got some memories with us........but only one person that she's close to is Tanao but Tanjiro did have a specially place from her heart and it wouldn't change until she dies.........but Tanjiro sama is now a true demon his now different how can we even find him it's rare now to encounter uppermoons or even Muzan. How?.'Aoi realized that Tamayo was not on her side she looked around and sigh he walks towards Zenitsu's and Nezuko's estate which is the.

Cold Thunder estate.

Meanwhile there.

"It's ok Zenitsu san it's not your fault that Onii-chan turned that way,besides you did your best on stopping him but he seems strong even we skilled pillar with demon slayer mark can't reach his limit."Nezuko said while Zenitsu murmuring and frowning he felt guilty for it but at a second he clams down with Nezuko's gentle stroke to his hair and a kiss on the forehead,"Nezuko do you really mean it?."Nezuko only flick his forehead as she says,"silly of course I mean it baka~." As he hmph on Zenitsu which he found it ultra cute madness "Nezuko chan why are you Soo cute tho I can't wait to test you after marriage." Boom! Nezuko explodes as she playfully punching Zenitsu's chest,"y-y-you idiot!." Zenitsu only chuckles not until Aoi knock on the door as Zenitsu said come in Aoi goes in her face doesn't look good.

"Oh Aoi san! Good morning btw what do you want?."Nezuko with her calm voice and her smile greeted Aoi but that doesn't change her expression as Zenitsu sees a worried look at her she then said,"I-i have something to tell you Tamayo said that Kanao will be alright and bonus she will be resurrected after 5 months."Zenitsu hears a hint that there is an upcoming news after her words now for the opposite of good.

"Well that's Great!! But Tanao can't handle the the process and his body parts where cut into pieces after we got there./⚡: Nezuko chan embrace your self for the upcoming need it's the opposite of good." Zenitsu warned her for Aoi's upcoming words she sighed and will going to continue,"but she have a temporary lost memories but we might help her by going doing the stuff that she likes or exploring the place where she loves like that but Tanjiro sama were the only person to know her more than us and they spend quite a lot of time." Nezuko understood the situation they're in Nezuko feels something bothering her it's her thoughts,'what if Brother is still human that fight his demonic side still hint demons at the every mission and the one who you loved beside Zenitsu (sibling relationship .......ugh not the Alabama!).'.

"I'll find Tanjiro!." Zenitsu said willingly as Aoi and Nezuko turned to his direction,"are you sure Zenitsu!?." Zenitsu nods his head as he devoted to find his friend or should I say future brother in law,"then Zenitsu after Kanao resurrected find Tanjiro that's your first mission after the day if you manage to I'll reward you with my body." Zenitsu then lick his lips before agreeing with her his green mind starts working fantasizing Nezuko naked!!( Nani!! ).

"Then it's on I gotta go Nezuko chan and Zenitsu san pls stay safety." Aoi bid her good bye as the two couple also wish her safety back to her and Inosuke's estate.

To be continued.(cliffhanger right yeah I'm slowly putting Zenzuko and next chapter might be the rest of the ship like Sanekana,Giyuushino, Obamitsu, female Muichiro x Genya, Rengoku x Yuta( his wife) and more except Tankana😭. Byeee see ya!.

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