Chapter 24: Bloody Hell

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'Luker, Kanji, Gyokko and Hantengu go to the nearest village to where you are I don't care if you split up let's make a ruckus make sure to disintegrate any Hashiras you are facing don't toy them, finish them immediately before Tanjiro arrive and will slaughter you all ass.' the four Demon then start locating villages Kanji got to the nearest that was Asakusa, Gyokko from the Sword Smith village same goes to Hantengu, Luker is on Yoshiwara at last

'Cousindrea go make a ruckus at Mount Natagumo, let the Hashiras split up I'll give you blood if you all manage to kill one.'

'yes Master.' they all responded through via mind call.

"I want to become stronger!." Kanji speak as he jump all over the trees as he quickly make his way to Asakusa town,'if i attack will the government be able to notice this? What if the persistent demon slayers makes a suggestion on the government on helping them on pursuing us demons forever?, since Muzan sama born hundreds of years ago and that Era didn't have much technology but this err, aaarrrgghhh just ignore it we demons are the perfect beings!.' he finally got on the outskirts of Asakusa first he'll do it in the center of the city to caught nearby Slayers and absolutely Hashiras he thought as he make the rooftop a parkour place he reach the heart of the city as he makes a tremendous force on his landing which caught the civilians attention, some of the people got knock back by the force. "HEY!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!! AN ACTOR THE HELL WE DIDN'T EVEN GOT PAID BY JUST WALKING HERE!!." an arrogant man quickly fasten his pace towards Kanji as Kanaji slowly revealed his back fiddle sticks we're out stretching his hand turns to a violen then separated.

" It's time to get Noisy and Flamboyant!!." Kanji said as he prepared something then spoke, "Upper 7 art: Sonic Screech." an earraping sound echos through 20 meters to 50 meters away from him causing civilians to cap their ears while screeching the people in the city panicked as the guards quickly draw their guns but sad to say the screeching becomes louder making the cops stop from doing, even capping their ears they went unconscious laying on the ground helplessly, the lucky ones runs for their lives anywhere the train got destroyed by Kanji.

Kanji then makes his violen an bow as he spoke, "Death Music." then he draw an fiddle sticks behind him as he charges his bow then (the speed of his charge delays on 2 seconds and the speed of his aeroelw is the same unless he maximize the string capacity when charging he can make the bullets go faster like bullets.) he rapidly shoots the people around him and then wrecking down the structures causing more attention.

Caw caw!! Upper 7!! Spotted at the center of Asakusa village!!! Caw caw!! His massacre the town's people!!. Caw caw!! And upper moon 9 was causing ruckus at Mount Natagumo Urokodaki is holding it!!!. Caw caw!! Yoshiwara!! Upper moon 8 spotted on Yoshiwara causing tremendous destruction and killed most of the people caw caw!!. 3 different birds from every single city reported at the same circumstances they have a pillar meeting except Muichiro and Mitsuri, they were at the Sword Smith village.

"WHAT THE FUCK!! 3 UPPER MOONS SHOWS UP IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS!!! /UROKODAKI SENSEI!!." Giyuu quickly got up on his foot and are going to go to the designated location the Hashiras were worried about there situation now upper 9,8 and 7 showed together.

" waste no time my children go!! Tengen, Obanai bring Zenitsu and Inosuke with you to the Yoshiwara no complaining about go!!...Sanemi, Kanae and Shinobu go to Asakusa!.. Gyomei and Rengoku go follow Giyuu!." Master quickly orders them then they God speed move their asses Tengen and Obanai quickly got to the butter fly mansion and told the two to come and help them kill upper 8 Inosuke jolted in excitement while Zenitsu still on his emo face. Sanemi with two butterfly sisters go to Asakusa Gyomei and Rengoku goes to follow Giyuu who's now full speed running.

'I can't lose someone anymore never.' then he recall Sabito, Makomo and Tanjiro, Nezuko he felt hopeless to even left a finger to help them now that his sensei would be next he couldn't agree anymore life is being cruel to him.

"upper 7 hehe this might be a good chance of proving my self strong." Sanemi exclaimed in excitement while Kanae and Shinobu had a worried look on their faces they heard what crow said upper 7 is on the center massacre and torture every people.

"LET'S SETTLE THIS WITH A FLAMBOYANT FIGHT!!." Tengen blurts out as the 4 make their war to Yoshiwara, "I'll beat that upper moon!." Inosuke proclaim as Obanai yell,"this ain't a competition you pig brat!!! This is a dangerous life threatening event even my skin crawls." Obani admit as he speed up.

Kanao:Love Upper moon is causing tremendous sound the baby might wake up.

Tanjiro:I'll let those demon slayers take care of the upper moon and let's evacuate before the battle rage.

Kanao:but what if my sisters will fight it?.


Kanao:pls stay by my side ok Tanjiro?.

Tanjiro:I will protect you Kanao even if that bootleg moon walking son of btch attacks us.

Kanao:awww thanks let's go!.

To be continued. (don't worry I'll put up an good fight well, ano... I'm not expert at this but I'll try. Anyway the conversation between Tanjiro and Kanao seems cringy. )

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