Chapter 8: Akaza (2)/Return

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As Rengoku ready to attack some called out his name, "RENGOKU SAN FALL BACK PLEASE RENGOKU SAN I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE!!."as Tanjiro said Kyojuro only smiles then said," it's ok young Kamado if didn't success on killing him can you carry my will?. " after the sudden reply Kyojuro Charges towards Akaza carving the ground as the powerfull attack then Akaza ready and on his stance, "Annihilation type." as the both Clashed they create a huge explosion then as the smoke clears.
"Y-young Kamado!." Rengoku was still alive and on was sitting on the ground while eyes widened, "... Akaza it's my turn." Tanjiro stated as he quickly slash Akaza's arm as Akaza was about to regenerate it doesn't, "Arrkhh What the hell is that why can't I regenerate how did you do it aarrrhh it burns my blood." Akaza then look around he sees Rengoku in a afar a demon girl who assisted Kyojuro away from Him and he was looking around hoping if he sees Tanjiro, " Compass needle!!. " he quickly got in stance for him hoping to get his fighting spirit he was alarmed when a voice came out behind him, "I'll cut you into pieces AKAZAAA!!." as Akaza was to turn around Tanjiro...... Already cutted him into pieces as he heard him says, "you can now go with your love ones, it was nice fighting you Akaza it's an honor." Tanjiro then went quickly to Rengoku as he stared at Tanjiro in amazed, "Young Kamado that was awesome you kill a upper moon and thanks for saving me I was reckless." Tanjiro then called hi crow, " hey I'll name you Sunny and go get those kakushi on here quickly." the caw caw! Thank you for the name Master I'll be quick. "the crow then flew away in fast pace.

Caw caw caw! Tanjiro Kamado said to send Kakushi's caw caw Tanjiro Kamado was injured and Rengoku Kyojuro was badly injured caw caw Quick. The crow informed Master then Ubuyashiki ordered to get to the location where Tanjiro and Kyojuro is then ordered some random slayers to go defend the Kakushi's to their way, caw caw Tanjiro and Rengoku will be the one will report cause it's their honor. " Ubuyashiki only nods as he waits for them to arrive.

" Tanjiro and Rengoku pls wait for a little longer stay with us. "The master whispered while petting the crow.

" gahhh this hurts my ribs arrkhh. "while Tanjiro's aching from his injuries Rengoku was sleeping peacefully on Nezuko's shoulder then a demon went out from the bush near Tanjiro," if I kill you Muzan Sama will make me an upper moon Hahaha!. " Tanjiro glances at the demon's eyes written lower moon 2,"Sun breathing 2nd form: Clear blue sky." because of the rapid 360 slash the demon didn't have time to react and was decapitated Tanjiro kneeled down exhausted he sees Akaza body the flow of blood the muscle movement and it even went slow for him Akaza's movement slows down and as he realized Akaza didn't sense him but Kyojuro was detected easily.

"there help Tanjiro and we will help Rengoku san." on of the Kakushi's nodded then half of the squad goes to Tanjiro then to Rengoku while the Kakushi's helping the demon slayers then attacks Nezuko expecting that she is here to eat then one of the Kakushi's said," hey hold it she's our ally It's Tanjiro's sister don't attack her!!." one Kakushi said the slayers didn't cared at all one of them spokes "our Head Quarter says to slay any demons with out exception even if it's the brother of some slayers and to add some that slayer is Mizunoe level did you expect us to respect that crap hah you know what maybe Flame pillar sama protect his weak ass hahaha. "the other hight ranks just laugh then continued striking Nezuko with breathing or not.

" yes I will kill this demon I now found your opening say good by-. " the one slayer who was about to slash Nezuko sent flying back to it's comrades stumbling them on one go, "is there a problem with my sister weaklings." Tanjiro shocked the Kakushi's with that speed iflta even faster than a sound then little Nezuko went behind Tanjiro gripping tightly as the squad of demon slayers were shocked at his speed its more like a Hashira," You traitor why are you defending that demon!!." one of the demon slayer said in anger, "tell Master himself his the one who agree with this and for now leave my sister alone or I'll beat you all up." Tanjiro releasing amount of aura to make them shivering in fear then as Tanjiro walks towards Rengoku Nezuko took of her bamboo then stick her tongue out," bleh take back your words. "then Nezuko went inside the box quickly as if the sun is rising some Kakushi them told all the passengers to come put since it's safe the passengers were hype up from the battle one of them says," wow man that Flame dude was awesome he nearly beat thestrobg demons with blue linings." then another one spoke, "no they were both awesome and I want to thanks them for protecting us but the boy red head was strong and talented slayer." then all of the passenger walking back from the train station where they once wait for the other one.

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