Chapter 40: unexpected encounter

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No one's pov

'Where am I?.'Kanao hiss in pain her wound still not recovered yet her head she wiped her face in soon she realized that her eyes sight is rather clear than blank,she's on big bed with checkered pattern her eyes wandered around the room she sees an photo she tried her best to get up as soon she got a hold of the photo her eyes us wide she recognized the person next to her in the photo"Tanjiro...."she spoke softly seconds later someone opens the door.

"*Sigh*I wish I can what the-!!."there was a sudden paused cause is shocked he stutter"Y-your a-awake!!."Tanjiro rush to Kanao to hug her not so tight as Kanao was shocked to move as minutes with their position still like that Tanjiro broke the hug and look at her purple glittering eyes she speak," husband."Tanjiro is flustered by her sudden response yes he knew they were married to each other but since it's been long time they didn't see each other"Y-yes dear........I'm sorry I came late I really appreciate on taking down the uppermoon,but it almost take your life too forgive me for not meeting you after you woke up from resurrection......"Tanjiro starts to feel abit guilty Kanao hugs him as she said,"I'm glad you save me....Tanjiro and seeing you now infront of me is a dream come true,so no need to apologize pls don't feel guilt."

(After our boy stops crying)

"Anyway.....I'm hungry did you cook some?."Tanjiro shook his head Kanao's stomach let out a loud growl as she excuses herself in embarrassed Tanjiro smiled widely than before then he told her to sit at the bed he'll cook for her she agrees Soo Tanjiro got out to prepare.................
1 minutes.............5 minutes...............10 minutes...............14 minutes............"Here is the food!"Tanjiro opens the door while his skeletal tentacles hold the tray of foods the aroma makes Kanao crave for it as soon as Tanjiro puts the tray Kanao prays for the blessing then eats politely try not to get choked on food,"Soo how's my cooking it's been months since I cooked for you and Tanao."Tanjiro then remember one of his memory with Tanao and Kanao making fun of his cooking sometimes it burns soo Tanjiro takes a cooking lesson with Aoi and obviously he got some freestyles while cooking which makes Aoi wants to try it on her own,after he fully know to cook food he does show off his skills which the audience is just Kanao and Tanao but they were happy and shocked too.

"Hey how's your wound?."Tanjiro ask Kanao she drank a water then replied a "no why."Tanjiro then said about the Christmas Eve only 2 days to wait and yes it's snowing in the place,"wait what!!."Kanao seems shocked she sleep like a months??,"yeah you've sleep in a months I don't know why but my wake call doesn't effect you, neither my skeletal artillery."Kanao soon look at Tanjiro and said,"you......didn't shove it in me right?."Tanjiro raised a eyebrow and said"you sure are dirty minded my method is tickling your feet,or any parts of your body where your sweet spot is............and I didn't include the you know."Kanao sees his expression is pure no bluffing so she nods and continue eating.

"Hey uummm darling I think.......can we take a bath together...I mean I still need assistance."Tanjiro nods goes to grab his and her towel as they got in a hot tub(I don't know but it's like a bamboo tub)Kanao doesn't feel safe somethings touching her back several times every time but she shook it off Tanjiro then distance himself from her he stood up carelessly even makes Kanao goes "😳 wow." He step out and scrub himself with 🧼 then he wash out the soap particles goes to help Kanao.

'Wew that was........awkward😳.'Kanao thinks to herself while she's getting carried by Tanjiro to his room to put on clothes after it Tanjiro and Kanao goes for grocery shopping for upcoming Christmas they are now at the Asakusa they arrive at night the town seems lit many decorations colored lights,it's a pleasing in the eye(for me or them if your not then ok).

The two get along until they see a familiar faces it was Zenitsu, Nezuko, Tomioka,Sanemi,Kanae, Shinobu,Aoi,Inosuke with Toukari Hakuji and Genya with Muichiro where all in the areas but scattered Tanjiro is nervous then coincidentally Kanao said she is done shopping Tanjiro then make a sign that they are gonna have piggy back ride this is when Tanjiro couldn't get a hold on the shopping bags he didn't have choice but to summon his tentacles to hold but they aren't outstretched like before it slowly came out from his back then holds the bag,then he starts running he jumps high which caught Zenitsu's attention then the Hashiras attention was on Zenitsu chasing a man on rooftop but why doesn't he catch him they realized it's a demon bit just a demon but high rank maybe.

"Hey stop it right there! Thunder Breathing Seventh form: Flaming Thunder God!."In full speed Zenitsu close their distance and was about cut them but a bone artillery surprised him and take a chance to smack him on the roof it does make a big Damage Zenitsu notice only Tanjiro posses that demon form Soo he called out his name,"Tanjiro!! Come back here!."The Hashiras who where following him we're also in shocked they are chasing their priority since Tanjiro loses control over,"Hinokami kagura......."All of htme were prepared and visibly sweating soon the girl who's Tanjiro carrying spokes,"Uhm Tanjiro can we go back?."Zenitsu knows that voice but Tanjiro disappear leaving a trace of Rainbow.


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