Chapter 28: Aftermath

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(there's something spicy)

"I gotta be quick." Giyuu was sweating hardly tears flowing if he couldn't make it then there might be a possibility that the upper moon must already killed Urokodaki, then Gyomei and Rengoku catch up Giyuu said, "let's split up you go northwest Rengoku, Gyomei northeast I'll go north." the both agreed then started to split up.

(cursing warning!)

"F*ck fq fack." Giyuu curse as he was searching for his Master the former water pillar on the middle of his searching Gyomei founds Giyuu but his carrying.................. "I-is t-that don't tell........" Giyuu went to see the old man that his abdomen got slit open,"yes Giyuu I'm sorry for your lose but we came here pretty late the upper moon must have to hurry cause the sun's gonna rise soon, and if we arrive we can hold him." Gyomei analyze the upper moons intentions that why she/he didn't eat Urokodaki.

"let's have him a proper Burial." Rengoku said as he pats Giyuu's shoulder Giyuu finally released his emotions anger, sad and got swallowed by despair. He have lose all his hope he didn't have someone to protect besides civilians, "Let's wrap his body soo people don't have suspicion on us." Gyomei then put Urokodaki on a plastic bag that mat he's Urokodaki's height.

After they got on the HQ.

"Giyuu san!." Shinobu greeted Tomioka as she gets closer, "Giyuu why are you soo pale?." Shinobu starts to worry about him Giyuu hugs Shinobu and cries on her shoulder Shinobu's surprise by his sudden burst but she comforts him anyway, "Giyuu what happened is something wrong?." Shinobu questions Tomioka as he spoke, "he.... is dead." Shinobu frown abit and has an idea, "Giyuu I have surprised for you inside come but I'll blindfold you." Shinobu gets her handkerchief from her pocket and puts blindfold on Giyuu.

"Really Shinobu?." Tomioka said 'at this situation a surprised are you kidding me?.' then Shinobu grabbed his hand and drag him slowly they manage to get inside then to the treatment room where Uzui, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanae, Sanemi are with Tanjiro and Nezuko don't forget Obanai .

" now open your eyes in 3... 2....1.go!."Shinobu gets the blindfolds out then Giyuu looks at the room his attention was taken from the person that was tall and was talking to Nezuko!.

" W-what h-how i-i-i thought Y-your dead?!. "The both of them looks at Giyuu, still Giyuu still barely remembers Tanjiro abut he sense a demonic presence on him Giyuu quickly draw his sword," what's the Demon doing here your no Tanjiro!. "Tomioka went for a strike but instead of his blade hitting Tanjiro, his face got caught by Tanjiro's hand then Sanemi rise half of his body from the bed," AYOOO CHILL!!. " Sanemi yelled," yeah Giyuu san nice to meet you I know you can barely recognize me and why I have a Demon presence well let me tell you if you calm down first.

After Giyuu calms down.

" soo tell us how did you turn to a demon? And how Nezuko is alive?. "Sanemi questioned him then Tanjiro took a deep breath and speak," this is gonna be a pain in the ass but let's go." then Kanao enters the room," let's hear your story dear but be honest~. " Damn just by Kanao's words Tanjiro shivers.

(After 1 hour of talking.)

" If you cheated on me I'll break your dick!. "Kanao said while having a killer smile right on Tanjiro's face," Woah soo Mitsuri's tsuguko have encountered you huh but why not bother tell us?. " Obanai said while rubbing his chin," if she tells you all about me I'll hunt her even on the heart of the head quarter." his presence got stronger and stronger Sanemi quickly goes to Kanae.

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