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~K. Capri~

"Thank you for the meal" I said to Tony as a man set a plate down in front of me.

We were having steak served with scalloped potatoes and some oven-roasted vegetables. It looked delicious and smelled even better.

"Couldn't let you starve for your birthday. And I'm sorry you're missing your charity event" He apologized with a look of genuine remorse on his face.

I grinned and waved him off with a slight shrug.

"It's fine. Everybody left when they heard the explosion anyways. I'll be at the next one"

"Well, Imma make sure Stark industries makes a donation to the charity" He smiled.

His smile was to die for. A true billion dollar smile (fitting considering this man was worth about a billion dollars).

Tony Stark has always been fine to me. Hell, just sitting at this table- I realize just how fine the whole damn team is.

And they keep looking at me.

They better stop because I fall in love quick.

"You must be a pretty extraordinary woman if you can lift the hammer" Thor says, "I wonder if you can lift Stormbreaker"

"What's that?" I ask

"His new toy" Laughed Sam, "Used it when we fought Thanos"

"That big purple bitch?" I asked. That caused them to laugh- which only made me fall more in love with their smiles.

"Yes, the big purple bitch. Luckily I cut his head clean off" Thor said

"What would have happened if he won?" I was really curious- and often thought about that.

"He could have snapped half the universe away." Steve said without an inch of emotion. I stared at him with wide eyes before quietly beginning to eat my food.

That shit is crazy. Scary as hell.

"So Kenya, you own a business?"

"I own three, technically. I do app development, graphic design, stuff like that"

"Hm" Tony hummed, "You know, I could invest in your business if you wanted me to"

I smirked, "Really?"

"Yes. I can do a couple million" He smiled cockily and sipped his glass of wine. Everyone knew Tony Stark had more than enough money- but it's cute that he thinks I need help.

"That'll be nice" I said, "Though, I actually just became a multimillionaire today. Funny since I made my first million exactly one year ago"

Tony cleared his throat and cocked his head at me, "How long have you been in business?"

"Two years"

"My father didn't even make that much in his first five years. How did you do it?"

"Hard work, lots of hard work"

"That's all it took?"

"Well, also some networking. My father was a very successful businessman, he helped with the starter money. But I did majority of it by myself"

"Impressive" Tony said, "My dad was a successful businessman too. Looks like we have that in common. Two rich brats"

"What makes you think I'm a brat, Stark?" I challenge

He shrugged, "I assumed. Maybe you can prove me wrong by coming around more often"

He flashed his billion dollar smile at me again

Can't wait to tell Rubi Ironman hit on me.

"Smooth" I giggled, "May have to take you up on that offer"

After we shamelessly flirted for a little bit, Thor and I talked over the hammer situation and I agreed to have some tests run on me.

Tony had sent a tow truck to get my car and he promised he'd buy me a new one (even though it was just the back windshield that was damaged).

"Thank you guys for making this a very interesting birthday" I said my goodbyes before getting into the car Tony called for me.

"Hello" I said to the driver

"Hi" he said back, "You a hero?"

I scrunched my eyebrows before realizing I just left the avengers compound

"No, I'm not. Thor's hammer just crashed through my window"

The driver chuckled before pulling off

"I'm surprised Tony didn't just write a check" He mumbled

"Well, I did kinda lift the hammer"

The driver audibly gasped then excused himself

"You lifted the hammer?"

"Yes. I guess that means I'm worthy"

"As far as I know, it does" He said, "Only Cap, Vision, and Thor can lift that hammer. And you're just a regular woman?"

"Yep" I shrug, "No powers or anything"

"Well, you will possess the powers of Thor when holding the hammer."

"That shits so cool"

We chatted a bit more before he pulled up to my house. I thanked him- to which he said it was no problem and told me his name was Happy.

"Thor did say I'd have to come back for tests to be run."

"Tony will most likely get in touch with you and tell you when to come back."

I nodded then realized I didn't have a car

"I think the tow truck dropped my car off at the compound. How am I gonna get to work tomorrow?"

"Tony will probably send a car for you."

I said okay then closed the door and walked into my house.

....Tony doesn't even have my number
...or my address


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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