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Okay let's speed this story up cuz SHIT

Also Merry Christmas y'all <3 I hope you all had/have an amazing holiday ❤️

~K. Capri~

The new year came quick, and it came hard....Yes that was a dirty joke.

But seriously, as soon as we entered the New Year things got hectic really quick. My partners were thrown into so many missions and I was bombarded with work as my business had suddenly started to skyrocket (more than it already has).

I was in several meetings a day, getting aquatinted with my new business partner, Tamika, and her very persistent assistant.

He was her cousin I think, and he was very vocal about the crush he had on me.

"Flowers, again?" I ask the receptionist when I came in. She gave me a apologetic look while handing me the bouquet.

"Yes ma'am. He is not giving up"

"He needs to. Im taken and he knows that." I sigh and give the receptionist a smile before walking off. Im too busy to worry about him, so Im just gonna hope this little crush dies out and he leaves me be.

...Damn I let too many things slide.

Actually, I'll talk to Tamika when I get a chance. This is too inappropriate.

"Good morning boss" Rubi said once I entered my office.

"Boss? You only call me that when you want something. What is it?" I ask

"Nothingggg" She grins, "I can't just greet my boss when she walks in?"

"Not if you known her for several years and she knows you like the back of her hand. Last time you called me that you wanted a few weeks off"

"And you gave them to me" She smiled

"I did. You work hard, you deserved the break. Is that what you want? Some time off?"

"Nope" She said, "I actually want a promotion"

"A promotion?" I ask, "What kind of promotion?"

She sighs, "Kenn look, I was here when you started your business. I was here when you got successful, hell I'm here when you aren't here. I work hard"

"You do" I agree.

"So...why am I still an assistant?"

I sigh...We had this conversation before.

"Well, to be blunt, you do an assistant's job. You make sure I know things, get my meetings together, and so on"

"Yeah but I run the business when you aren't here"

"I run the business when I'm not here" I clarify, "You still do an assistant's job- anything incredibly important I do from home or I give to my business partners. You still keep me to date on things and set up meetings. The only additional thing is you sitting in my chair"

I was being too mean, I knew it. But Rubi usually very slyly brings up this topic. I've told her time and time before, I don't give her any tasks I think she can't handle. It's not like I hadn't given her the chance to prove herself. I have, she messed up every time.

I let her handle our finances once, ended up almost losing $250,000, I caught it before she did. I let her try human resources, almost got in a fight with a potential partner, I let her do marketing- she confused herself 2 minutes into her presentation.

She works hard and does her job well. An assistant is a good job for her, she can handle it.

I don't want to be mean, but I also have to learn to be firm. I'm already enough of a pushover as it is.

"I deserve another title! C.O.O! I can at least be that!"

Chief operations officer? You mean the person right under the CEO? No. She can't be for real.

My business is like my child and I have built this shit from the ground up and I will not put it in jeopardy.

"Rubi come on now! That's too much. I love you, you're my best friend- I swear I'm not trying to make you feel less than. But I have to put my foot down."

"But you won't give me this simple thing?"

"Rubi you're asking to be the second in command! I do things that you probably won't even begin to understand"

"I RUN THE BUSINESS WHEN YOU ARENT HERE" She says again, yelling at the top of her lungs.


She glares at me, as if I just killed her dog.

"You don't even have a COO. What are you gonna do if you can't run the business? Huh? What if something happens one day? You need to learn to trust people with your business. It's almost as if you don't trust me or something"

I don't answer, hoping she doesn't ask questions she doesn't want the answers to.

"You know what Rubi..." I start off

"No! Whenever you don't come in, you're always like, 'Rubi, handle the business. I won't be there. Make sure things are running smoothly'  like come on now. How can you say one thing then say another?"

"Like I said, I run everything. When I'm not here, you are my eyes and ears. You don't do my work, you oversee it. You make sure stuff gets done- but you don't do it. You are doing an assistant's work. Please stop making me explain this to you"

Again, I'm being mean. I don't wanna be this way, cuz I can see she's really upset.

I don't like making people feel that way...

"Fine" She sighs, "Well don't call me when you need a second in command. All because you won't take a risk"

And with that, she stormed out.

....Maybe she's right.

Maybe I do need someone who knows the ins and outs of my job...someone who can really help me.

I sat at my desk and pulled my phone out my purse.

I quickly went to my contacts and pressed on the person I knew could help me.

The ringer dialed until it stopped, indicating he picked up.

"Hey Tony.....so I have a little business proposal"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

Do y'all think Rubi was rightfully upset? Why or why not?

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