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~K. Capri~

"Shit" I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my head and hoping for this splitting headache to go away.

My eyes were closed, and didn't open until I heard someone groan beside me.

My eyes popped open and I looked to my left- immediately seeing a sleeping Sam.

Then I realized we were in a bed.


My initial thought was to check to make sure we were both fully clothed, which we were. I then looked around the room to try and figure out where I was.

After quietly looking around, I guessed we were in Thor's room.

Which was odd.

I came to that conclusion after seeing a few books with titles like, "Asgardian dishes" or "The legend of Odin"

The real indicator, however, was the room's color palate being a dark blue and grey. Those were his favorite colors.

And.....the hammer in the corner of the room kinda tipped me off too.

"Sam, Sam wake up" I say to the man sleeping next to me. He refused to get up for the first 3 minutes but hesitantly opened his eyes and sat up.

He rubbed his head and muttered a few curses.

"What time is it?" He asked

I shrugged, I couldn't find my phone.

Or my purse.


"I don't know, Sam"

He looked around the room for a few moments before looking back at me with a look mixed with confusion and mischief

"Did we.....?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. I only pushed him playfully and rolled my eyes

"Absolutely not. We're fully clothed"

"Doesn't mean we didn't do it....just means we put our clothes back on"

I found myself rolling my eyes again before getting out of bed.

"Where you going?"

"To look for my- oh never mind" I say as I find my purse underneath a jacket. I pick it up then look through it to make sure my phone and things of that were in it. Once I checked it, I made my way to the door.

"Where you going now?" Sam whined

"To go find some medicine and hopefully some food"

He slowly got up and walked after me. Together, we made our way down the hall- looking for any clues as to what happened last night.

After a few minutes of our "searching", we decided to go to Sam's room.

We walked slowly to his room so we could take a pill for our headache and brush our teeth. After that, we went back to our search- mainly trying to find the other avengers.

"Let's try to find Thor. We were in his room" Sam said. I nodded and we decided to search the game room, theater room, and the gym.

It wasn't until we walked outside that we found Thor doing yoga.

"Hey guys" He grinned while getting out of his "downward dog" position

He looked....put together.

Out here doing yoga while I'm struggling to move.

"Are you not hungover?" I asked, "Because I am"

"I can't get drunk off of Midgard alcohol. It's too weak"

"Weak?" I asked, quite flabbergasted, "Weren't you taking shots of straight vodka?"

"Yes. Gave me a slight buzz- but nothing too severe. I woke up feeling great"

"Awesome" Sam said sarcastically, "Now can you tell us what happened last night?"

"You don't remember?" The God asked

"No. The last thing I remember was us all taking some shots."

"Same" I agreed

Thor scrunched his eyebrows before smiling lightly and walking over to us.

"We had a long night, let's make some coffee and I'll tell you about it"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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