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Hey y'all <3

~K. Capri~

It's funny how time flies when you're happy...when everything seems like it's right in the world. It's almost like life is rushing to keep you to your next hardship

At least, that's how it feels

Kenya Capri, an engaged woman, 7 wonderful fiancés. Best believe it was on and popping the night Bucky proposed. That was the start of a beautiful period of bliss. The holidays came and went with nothing but pure joy.

Tony did a press conference at the start of the new year, explaining our engagement and basically said, very professionally, "Fuck anyone who doesn't like our relationship".

The press has still been on our ass but fuck them- though there is a lot of backlash there is still some support.

My business has been booming again, it was rough for a short while but its fine now.

A bitch just been happy... until hardship #1 came into play.

Thor decided for New Years to take us back to Asgard to see Loki, meet his people, and meet one of his last living relatives.

His Aunt Agnes.

She was his mother's sister, Thor even says she looks a lot like her. She was the last elder Thor and Loki had so they really adore her.

I, of course, was nervous.

"Baby, you sure she'll like me?" I ask for the 68th time. He rolled his eyes playfully and planted a small kiss on my forehead.

"Yes darling."

"What about me?" Wanda asks as she walks out the bathroom- having re-did her hair for the 3rd time, "Will she like this dress? Does she like red?"

"Does she like blue?" Asks Steve, "Maybe a black suit? Or grey? Does she like grey?"

"Should I buy your aunt a jet? Would she appreciate a jet? I feel like older people like jets"

"Tony be fucking for real"

"Everyone shush" Thor interjects, finding our antics way too amusing, "My aunt is a sweet old lady who is dying to meet you all. Don't be nervous...and she hates grey"

Steve threw the grey suit in the closet and chose to go with the black one

"I think imma wear a forest green. With some gold jewelry" I say

"Mhm, Loki wanted you to match with him?" Bucky asks with a smirk

"How'd you know?"

"Listen guys the portal will open in exactly one hour, my brother will lose his shit if we're not ready by then. Get dressed please"

So we got dressed, the portal opened, Loki basically crushed me in a hug and drug us all to his Aunt's cute little house in the village.

And she was so sweet, to everyone... until

"So you're Kenya?"

I nod, "Yes ma'am! Nice to meet you!" I held my hand out and waited for her to shake it, but she never did. She just gave me a fake smile and moved right along to Nat- who was standing next to me.

"The fuck?" Sam whispered from the other side of me, "What crawled up her ass all of a sudden?"

"What did I do? Does my breath stink or sum?"

"No baby" He assured me, "I can't figure out what's wrong. You didn't do anything though, don't let it get to you"

"How am I not supposed to let it get to me Sam? She just hugged all of you, she's practically squeezing Wanda to death right now but I get nothing? Not even a hand shake?"

"Does she not like green?"

"Nigga Loki is wearing green right now" I sigh, "Fuck it, let's just get this over with"

So the next couple hours with Agnes were her making sly remarks towards me, Thor having to check her and the rest of my partners just sitting confused and awkward.

Then there were the parades- which were wonderful. The Asgardians were nothing short of spectacular. So sweet, so excepting, so generous, so beautiful.

I had a wonderful time overall, but something told me Agnes and I wouldn't get along no time soon. Before we left, she said I reminded her of every "no good tramp" she's ever met in her life. I told Thor I didn't think I would want to come back to Asgard if it meant she would act like this towards me.

He said he understood, so I guess that's it then.

My mood went sour for a little bit- but I was soon back to my usual happy self.

...Until hardship #2 came around


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

Sorry if it feels like the story is being rushed- I really wanna finish the book so I'm doing a lot of time skips and stuff.

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