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~T. Odinson~

"Where are the others?" Kenya asked once I handed her a mug of coffee. She looked so exhausted, eyes barely open when Sam sat down next to her.

"I put them all to bed, for the most part. I carried you to my room and somehow the bird ended up in there"

She looked at Sam with an amused face while he hid in embarrassment.

"I don't even remember going into your room" Sam said

"I know. You probably thought it was yours- you guys were pretty messed up"

"So everyone else is in their rooms?"

I shrugged, "I know I put Stark and Banner into their rooms- though I did hear Stark walking around after I left. I ended up leaving Natasha in Wanda's room. Bucky and Steve retired to Steve's room a little before I put the rest of you to bed- they were merely buzzed. Kenya, I let you sleep in my room and I guess Sam accidentally ended up in there somehow. I couldn't really sleep so I read a little bit then slept on the couch"

Kenya gave me a small smile and took a sip of her coffee

"Why not just put me in a guest room? I feel bad that you didn't sleep in your bed"

"My mattress is one of the more comfortable ones- I figured you'd appreciate being in a nice bed considering you were gonna feel like hell when you woke up" I explained

We heard groaning behind us and turned around to see Tony slowly walking to where we were

"Good morning Stark" I said cheerily. He waved me off and went straight for the pot of coffee that I had made

"You look like hell" Sam said as Tony leaned on the counter, sipping from his "World's Greatest Hero" mug.

"Thank you, bird brain. You don't look too good yourself"

"We all had a rough night" Kenya laughed. Her laugh was infectious, enticing even.

"Yes, you look like shit too" Tony teased.
She quickly gave him the middle finger which only made him raise his eyebrows suggestively

"I'd be happy to, but I'd like to get over this hangover first" Tony said with a wink. Kenya faked a gag and turned her attention back to me

"So what happened last night?"

"The usual" I say, "We danced, sang, and drunk more than we could handle. Around the 10:00 mark is when things took a little turn. The music got more seductive and so did you"

Kenya's eyes nearly popped out of her head when I finished my sentence

"Seductive? What did I do?"

"You Midgardians call it twerking I believe"

She gasped while Sam and Tony bursted out laughing

"I started twerking? Was I at least good?"

"You were as good as a drunk person could be" I said

Sam had started laughing harder while Tony tried to hide his amusement. Kenya on the other hand looked as if she was going to die of embarrassment.

"I really hope somebody recorded you. Imagine you drunkenly trying to twerk" Sam sighed while wiping tears from his eyes.

"First of all, I can twerk." Kenya defended

"Really? Show me"

"Nah, you'll never get to see it now with all that damn laughing you did". Sam rolled his eyes but planted a small kiss on her forehead.

I immediately felt a burning sensation in my chest. A feeling of envy started to boil within and I wondered why Sam kissed her. Why he felt the need to. Why did she smirk after he did it?

I could only imagine Stark was thinking the same way because he stared at the two with suspicion.

"Anyways" I call out, "Soon we started to play of a game of...erm... truth or dare? Sam revealed he wet the bed until 14, Tony called his ex and asked her if her refrigerator was running, Steve and Bucky re-enacted a scene from Romeo and Juliet, Natasha told us who she'd have sexual relations with- out of all of us, and so on and so forth. Very childish"

Sam shifted uncomfortably in his seat and finished his mug of coffee while Kenya looked at him

"You wet the bed until you were-"

"Shush" Sam demanded before getting up and setting his mug into the sink

"Okay, is that all that happened? Doesn't sound too exciting" Tony said

"On the contrary, it was very exciting. Though, the mood in the room did shift when you serenaded Kenya"

Kenya smirked and looked over to a blushing Tony, "You serenaded me? Really?"

"I don't remember that" He shrugged, trying to act cool

"You sung a song by ....Jon B? I think that's his name"

"DON'T TELL ME YOU SUNG 'THEY DON'T KNOW'" Kenya yelled excitedly

"I think that was the one" I tease, enjoying the site of Tony trying to keep his composure

"Nope. Didn't happen" Tony dismissed

"It certainly did"

"Tony that's so sweet" Kenya cooed, "Come here"

The billionaire sat down his cup and walked over to her. She gestured for him lean down, and he did- earning a kiss on the forehead.

Again, that burning sensation came

"You gotta sing it to me again- but when we're sober."

"I might" Tony smirked, "Only if you promise that the next time we kiss, it won't be on the forehead"

I rolled my eyes and finished the tale of last night by explaining we all just danced and sang some more until I put them to bed.

"Sounds like a fun night. I was a scared you were gonna say we had an orgy or something" Kenya joked

I returned the laugh and shook my head, "No...we didn't do that"

"Good" She stated, "Because I'd be pissed if we did and I couldn't remember it. We gotta be sober for that"

She then got up, put her mug in the sink, and walked away like she didn't just say what she just said.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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