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Okay, I wanna make it clear that I'm aging Tony, Nat, and Sam down. At this point Tony is in his late thirties while Sam and Nat are in their early thirties. Everyone else is their actual age (at this specific point in the story).


~K. Capri~

"I heard you had a date with the bird" Tony drank from his cold bottle of beer, looking very attractive.

He had gotten some blond highlights, which I advised him not to get but he actually looks really good with them.

"A very nice date" I smiled, "We had a good time"

"I'm glad, though I'm jealous. I've been wanting a nice date like that for weeks but you're so busy"

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my water, "You act like you're not Iron man. You're just as busy as I am"

"Not really. After Thanos-"

"The big purple bitch?" I asked. He chuckled and nodded.

"Yes. Him. The bad guys haven't been bothering us really. And if they do, the avengers is no longer a team of six but a team of hundreds of people. From Gods to kings. I don't have to jump at every 'avengers level threat'"

"Must be refreshing" I say, "But you still have to jump. Sometimes"

"Yeah, you're right"

He took a long sip from his beer bottle before setting it down on the counter. Again, he's so attractive.

That man is just fine as hell without trying.

"Like the view?" Tony suddenly asks. I look down, realizing I had been staring at him.

"My bad." I muttered

"No worries. You don't have to be sorry for lusting over me, especially if we're dating"

"But we aren't dating" I point out

"Yeah, that's the problem" He joked. "But this is a date, right?"

"Yeah, I suppose so. But if this happens, I wanna be with all of you. Not just you or Sam"

"Duh. We all want you, thought we made that clear"

I sighed, "Yeah. You and Steve...and Sam did but I kinda need to hear it from everyone. I want everyone on the same page"

"Trust me darling, we're all on the same page"

He grabs my hand and holds it tightly, making me involuntarily smile.

"We love-"

"Hush" I interrupt, "You and Sam keep saying that word. Don't say it until you mean it"

"But we mean it"

"Let's hold off on that until we're sure. Okay?"

He smiled. "okay"

He took another long sip of his beer, shutting his eyes for a moment while gulping.

I watched him, wondering what was going on inside his head. I always wondered what Tony thought about. Almost everything he ever said was some sort of sarcasm. I figured that was his defense mechanism. That was how he protected himself and his emotions.

I hope, one day, he feels comfortable enough to share a little vulnerability with me. To completely let his guard down.

And I hope I could do the same with him.

With all of them.

"You're staring again" He calls out. I scoff and roll my eyes, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"I was zoned out. Didn't mean to stare."

"Whatever Kenn. Like I said, don't apologize for lusting. And besides, who could blame you?" He winked


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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