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~K. Capri~

"That feels so good" I groan, squeezing my eyes shut and feeling a wave of pleasure come over me.

I was experiencing pure ecstasy right now, my whole body suddenly got so relaxed.

"This your first time getting a massage?" Wanda giggled, making me laugh

"No, but it's been some years. I definitely needed this" I say, flinching slightly as the masseuse worked her hands a little harder.

I could feel all my worries wash away during the massage, I almost forgot about all the bullshit that's been going on.

About three months. That's how long it's been. You'd think they'd be over this shit by now.

Hell nah

We're still trending on twitter, the press is still camped outside my building, and I still have to have security everywhere I go.

It's not as bad as it was, but it still fucking sucks.

"This was a great idea Wanda" Nat says. She sounds half asleep, starting to mumble something about doing this more often.

"All done" My masseuse says, making me pout. The other two finished and chatted a little with us before they left.

I'm sure Happy gave them a whole speech on what would happen if they broke the NDA they signed once they got outside.

"That was nice" I say, lifting myself off the massage table. I quickly covered myself in a robe and waited for Nat and Wanda to get up.

"I'm gonna sleep so good later" Nat laughs, "They did so good. We gotta book them again"

"They're Tony's personal masseuses so I'm sure we could if we wanted to."

"Why the hell does he need three- never mind" I say, "Let's go back to our room. We can watch a movie in there"

"Back to Tony's room" Nat corrects, "I can't wait til we actually have a room that's meant for all of us."

Wanda looks at the other red-head with a smirk "You wanna move out the compound Nat? Thought you loved it here"

"I do, but Bruce and Vision still live here- and we're in a relationship now. We don't have the privacy we need"

"They stay in their rooms though?"

"It's not the same Wanda" Nat sighs, "I want us all to live together in our own house. Take that next big step"

I suck my teeth and take a good look at my ring finger, "I hope the next big step is a damn ring. Those boys need to hurry the hell up"

"I know right" Wanda says, putting on her slippers and waiting for me and Nat to put ours on, "They talk about marriage all day long but I haven't seen a ring yet"

"If they don't hurry up- I'm gonna propose" Nat says, "I told Sam that and he got so mad. Told me I was stealing him and the guy's mojo"

"I want them to wait until they're ready, of course. But yeah, it's hard not to think about it when all they do is talk about how much they want us to be their wives" I say, still looking at my ring finger. I sigh and put on my slippers.

Nat, Wanda, and I left the little massage parlor room (yes....a massage parlor room) and made our way over to the elevators.

"Should we talk to them about a house?" Nat suddenly asked

I shrug, "Bucky actually brought it up the other day. He said he was ready for us to move out"

"Right! That's it, we're going house hunting next weekend"

"Can we at least wait until I can sell my house? The house I don't even go to anymore" I grin as the elevator stops and we all get out.

"Kenya you live here at this point. Don't even know why you still have stuff over there. I'm sure Tony can get a real estate agent"

"You right" I said, walking behind them as we enter Tony's room

"You guys think he still has some candy stashed somewhere in here?" I ask, looking around the room

"Not since you ate the last pieces of candy he had in here." Wanda laughs, I side eye her as I open a draw and find some ring pops.

"That's why you can't have none of my ring pops"

"Bullshit. Give me one"

I roll my eyes and toss her a cherry ring pop and pick a blue raspberry one for myself.

I open mine and put it on my right ring finger, immediately starting to suck on it.

"This shit hits every time" I say, making the two women laugh

I sit on the edge of the bed and Wanda crawls over to me, unwrapping her ring pop and sliding it on my other ring finger.

"Since the boys are taking so long" She says, dramatically throwing her head back. I smile brightly and she smiles back- pure love seeping from her eyes.

"Kenya Capri, will you marry me?"

I throw my hand over my mouth and pretend to cry. Nat watches us with a fond look on her face.

"Yes" I whisper, kissing her lips and flashing my candy ring to Nat

"We're getting married Nat! Can you believe it?"

She rolls her eyes playfully. Wanda then takes the ring off my finger and immediately goes to propose to Nat.

"Damn. You ain't even go get another ring? Just stole the one off my finger"

"Sorry baby" Wanda said, kissing Nat a few times, "But you already have one"

I roll my eyes and point at Nat, who was smirking at me, "You owe me for stealing my engagement ring"

"Oh yeah? And what do you want?"

I twist my lips and think about it, smiling when I decided, "I want a bracelet with all your names engraved in it. "

"Awwww that's cute" Wanda coos

"I remember you saying something about a bracelet like that when we first got together" Nat says

"Right, and I still don't have one"

She grins, "I'll get you one soon baby. I swear"

~ B. Barnes~

I stare at the jeweler nervously as he pulls out a little black box and sets it on the table in front of me. I can feel my heart pounding when he opens it, showing me the gorgeous piece of jewelry.

A large smile grows on my face, "She's gonna love this"

He smiles back and pulls out two more boxes identical to that one.

The other four boxes are hidden in my room at the compound.

I feel like we've waited long enough. It's been two years since Kenn came into our life, about that long since she gave us the motivation to pursue our relationship.

A year since we've been able to call her ours- and I wanna be able to do that for the rest of my days.

I love them all with everything in me. Why not take that next step?


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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