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~K. Capri~

"Bitch, are you serious?" Rubi asked as we walked to the elevators.

"Yes" I confirmed, waving at a few of my employees.

"You told Captain fucking America that you love him? After a month of knowing him?"

"I didn't tell him that I loved him....I said there's a possibility I may be in love with all of them"

"Same thing, Kenya" She rolled her eyes as we reached the elevators. Rubi pressed the up button and we continued to talk as we waited.

"You're gonna take it back, right?"

I shook my head, "First of all, that's rude as hell. Second of all, it's true. I just never really said it out loud"

"That's crazy Kenya"

The elevator on the left opened and we walked in after some people walked out.

"I know but I can't help the way I feel. And he said he feels the same about me"

"He probably said that so you don't feel like a complete dumbass"

We rode the elevator in silence before the doors opened and we stepped out

"Did you just say you're in love with all of them?" Rubi suddenly asked.


"You said you were in love with all of them. You told Steve that?"

My eyes widened a bit before I regained my composure and shook my head

"I meant I think I may be in love with him, but I think I love all of them. You know, like how I love you" I lied, hoping she drops it.

I have to watch what I say. I definitely don't want to air out their business, especially if I have feelings for them. Don't want to mess up our relationship.

Rubi gave me an unsure look before nodding.

"Well, I still think that was stupid Kenn. I've dated many guys in my day- trust me, he don't love you"

I rolled my eyes but pouted a little at the thought of Steve possibly lying to me. Maybe he did say that just so I don't feel bad.

"He said he might be in love. Why are you being so fucking negative?" I whisper the last part so no one else could hear me. She groans as if I just said the dumbest shit ever.

"I'm just trying to protect you Kenya. I don't want you to end up heartbroken"

"You're just assuming, Rubi. I don't think he'd tell me that shit if he didn't mean it"

"He didn't wanna you to feel embarrassed" She shrugged

"And how do you know that?"

"I just told you! I've dated many guys- they're all the same. All men do is lie, Kenya. Even Captain America"

I sighed as we got to my office, went in, and sat down. She continued to talk, re-telling some stories about her past boyfriends and telling me how dating a superhero is a stupid idea.

She kept repeating, over and over again, that she was only telling me what I needed to hear.

Honestly, I was half listening, and I ended up full blown ignoring her when I got a text from Sam.

I smiled down at the message that read, "I miss you. You coming over soon?"

I texted him a quick "yes" before giving Rubi my attention and seeing she was was still talking about old boyfriends. I rolled my eyes discreetly and went back to texting Sam

"I feel like we should talk about what happened the other day."

I started to silently freak out as I read his message over and over again. Did he want to take it back? Was what Steve said not true?

"Sure. Is it just gonna be us or everyone?" I send the message and mumble a quick "mm hmm" to Rubi so she thinks I was listening.

"Just us. I kinda want some alone time with you. But I know the others want to talk as well. So you should probably talk to all of them at some point in time"

"Kenya, who you texting?" I heard Rubi ask. I shrug and continue to text Sam.

"It's not Steve is it?" She questions. I shake my head.

I mean, I'm telling the truth. But I'm not gonna tell her who it is.

"Kenya, you're over here smiling and shit at the phone. It better not be him"

"I just told you it wasn't, Rubi." I said with a slight attitude. Look, I'm grown. Even if it was Steve, that's none of her business.

She surrenders then starts to go through some files. I decide to put my phone and get to work.

Still, I couldn't help smiling at the thought of going back to the compound and seeing them.

It hasn't been long since Steve and I's
conversation, but it's been long enough for me to miss them.

Plus, Sam told me Thor was leaving for (New) Asgard soon and wanted to see me before he left.

Though, I was a little nervous about the conversation Sam wanted to have...


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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