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~K. Capri~

Bliss, pure bliss...then I met Agnes. But whatever, little bump in the road. Right back to happiness...
And then, not too long after-

"Meeting in 5 minutes Kenn" Rubi reminds me as we walk through the doors of my building. I nod at the receptionist and take a deep breath before following my friend on the elevator.

"I know girl, we made it just in time. I'm nervous"

"Me too. But it'll be fine. You got this"

I nodded and smiled at her just as the elevator doors opened. We both rushed to my office to see some potential clients seated and ready to start our meeting. I smiled at them and took a seat at my desk.

"Good morning you all! How's everyone doing?"

"So good!" Ms. Smith smiled, glancing down at my engagement ring.

I knew what she was thinking, probably wanting to ask a million questions about my relationship. Can't blame her for being curious I guess.

"Let's get started shall we-"

Then it happened. Rodney, Tamika's assistant, the fucking no boundary having bitch that had a crush on me.

Walked in with a bouquet of flowers. All of us just stared at him for a second, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Rodney?" I ask, "Why are you in here?"

"To see you!" He smiles. He then looks at my guests, only looking back up at me to flash a mischievous grin.

"Sorry for being rude, I'm Rodney. Kenya's future husband"

The level of shock that was on my face was evident. How could he have the nerve to bust up in my office , interrupting my meeting, then introducing himself as my fiancé?

Who the fuck does that?

"No! He is not anything of the sort!"

"I'm confused Ms. Capri, who is this man?" Ms. Smith asked

"My associate's assistant" I say, getting up and leaving the room to get security. They came fast, dragging Rodney out the room (throwing the flowers away in the process).

I was furious

I was embarrassed

Why me? Why now? This meeting was so important and he ruined it.

"I'm so sorry" I say

And while I hoped my guests would understand, and want to continue the meeting- they chose to leave.

I left work not too long after that, my eyes red from crying. But I wasn't sad, no. I was pissed off.

Steve was the first to see me, immediately going into protective mode and hugging me.

"What's wrong darling? Bad day at work?"

I just cried for a while.

I had never been so mad in my life. About 20 minutes later was when my lovers gathered around me to hear what had happened.

Of course, they were pissed.

"That ugly ass bitch needs to learn some fucking boundaries" Sam ranted, "How much of a dumbass do you have to be to NOT ONLY keep pursuing a woman after she rejected you but ALSO ruin her meeting with potential clients? That's fucking creepy, and it's disrespectful, and I swear to God I'll kill his ass"

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