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⚠️ Sexual themes ahead ⚠️

~K. Capri~

*A month and a half later*

"Baby" I groan, tensing up as I feel Steve move around underneath the covers. He's been at this for a couple minutes, driving me crazy as the seconds pass by.

I feel another burst of pleasure coming on, making me yell out in ecstasy.

We leave our vacation home in about 5 minutes. The rest of our spouses are either already in the car or downstairs getting the last of their things.

Steve brought me back to the bedroom, saying I looked so good that he "couldn't wait"

He gave me one last burst of pleasure before appearing from underneath the covers

"Ready to go home?" He asked, making me glare at him

"We gonna act like you didn't do what you just did?"

"Of course not. I'd love to hear all about how good I made you feel"

I rolled my eyes but felt butterflies in my stomach as he got off of me then helped me up.

"Go clean up really quickly then come down to the car baby, gotta get on the plane". He grabbed our bags that were in the corner and ran out the room before I could cuss him out.

I hurriedly freshened up then grabbed my purse, doing a quickly sweep of the room before running downstairs and out of the front door.

I got in the car, expecting to hear complaints from my spouses for taking too long but they all stared at me with knowing looks

"You and Steve had fun darling?" Bucky questioned, making me hide my face in embarrassment.

"Hey, don't tease my wife" Wanda said with a playful glint in her eye

"Could have called us all upstairs." Sam mumbled

"Then we would have taken two hours" Steve said, "And besides, you guys were already in the car"

"I was still in the house though" Thor frowned, "Me and Wanda were"

"Easy Sparkles" Tony said, looking over at me, "We still have the plane ride."

All my spouses shared mischievous smirks while I only hid my face more.

The entire ride to the airport featured us talking about the highlights of our trip.

All the shopping malls
The amazing food
The tourist attractions
The sex...

Oh, and Tony almost being eaten by a shark

"That thing came out of nowhere!" Tony yelled, making us all laugh

"The guide told you NOT to go to those part of the waters for a reason Tony" Bucky says

"He didn't say it loud enough"

"He screamed at you not to do it 5 times"

Tony kept defending himself even after we got settled in the private jet.

"Baby, it's been 30 minutes. Let it go" Wanda says, fed up.

He indeed lets it go, but then he and the other men decide to start teasing me and our wives.

And then boom, mile high club.

The flight wasn't that long, but we did leave the plane feeling hungry and tired as all hell.

"How about pizza?" Steve suggests. We all agree and pull up to a pizza place. Our security gets out to grab our order while we wait in the car. Once he gets back, we distribute the pizza evenly between us and our security (and driver) and eat in the car.

This was nice, honestly. I don't like eating in the car that much but being with my spouses made it more enjoyable for me. We continued to talk about our trip, that's when Tony began to defend himself to the security guards.

Mind you, they were there the entire time. They witnessed Tony deliberately ignoring our tour guide.

"Tony, sweetheart, light of my life, father to our future kids, LET THAT SHIT GO" I say, causing a chain reaction of laughs throughout the vehicle.

Tony frowns but doesn't talk about it again, however he does start to talk about me falling down the stairs at 2 AM two nights ago.

I pout,"That shit ain't funny. I could have gotten seriously injured"

"But you didn't" Sam laughs, "And you only fell down three steps, the floors were carpeted, and luckily there was nothing you could have fallen onto"

I sigh, "It still hurt like a bitch though"

We reminisce a little more before throwing our trash into a plastic bag to throw away later.

"Let's go homeeeeee" Wanda sings, making Thor chuckle fondly

"I've had a wonderful vacation." He says, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my lives with you all"

"Don't get emotional on us Point Break" Tony says, but his genuine smile made it obvious he was joking.

A comfortable silence fell in the car for the 20 minute ride. The car was admittedly a little cramped however, so I was a little relieved once we arrived at the house.

I hopped out, stretched, then went to grab my bags (but Bucky shut that down super fast"

"You know you're not gonna be carrying these bags. That's my job" He winks, making me giggle.

I walked to the front door and unlocked it

"Finally homeeee" I cheered.

I was so excited. This is the start of a whole new journey.

Our love is so strong, and my heart just feels so full, so big. I know it'll never stop growing, especially when we have Plenty of Love to Give.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

That's the end of this book!!!! Thank you for reading.

If you didn't know, this is the prequel to my book "Full of Love".

If You hadn't read that, it starts off right where this one ends so go and read it if you'd like!

Will there be a third book? Possibly! But that one will be a short and I won't be so inconsistent with updates!

Stay tuned for more and again, thank you so much for reading this book!!!

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