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~K. Capri~

"Tony, get off me" I groan as I try to move the sleeping man off me. Thing is, Thor and Wanda were both laying on me too. I was in this bed sweating and barely breathing.

Once I successfully moved Tony, I poked at Wanda and Thor until they moved. Once I was free, I got out of the bed and went to do my morning routine.

Christmas was fast approaching, and I needed to get their gifts.

I wasn't really searching for expensive items, more so meaningful ones. We had been officially dating for a little over four months so I was excited. Our first Christmas together as partners.. I wanted it to be special.

Rubi was going with me. She ended up finding out about my relationship with the avengers nearly three months after we started dating.

The way she found out was so messy though. As far as she was concerned, I was only seeing Steve. She would catch us on FaceTime and stuff- but there had been many times where another one of my partners would grab the phone to say hi.

Well, one day Steve and I were on the phone, talking about something we had seen on the news, then Natasha grabs the phone.

Rubi was in the room but occupied- so I thought she wasn't paying any attention to me.

Nat says, "Hi baby. I miss you". I say hi back and tell her I missed her more. At this point, I honestly forgot Rubi was even in the room so I was just talking to my girlfriend comfortably.

Soon enough, Sam joins and starts flirting, then Tony comes and starts asking about what I wanted to do when I go back to the compound.

Now, this was my fault because we were on FaceTime and I forgot she was there. Girl was being quiet as hell.

The thing that really tipped her off was Bucky getting the phone and asking if I was going to sleep in his bed next time I came over. I told him I was gonna sleep with Wanda because I had promised her.

Then he starts whining and complaining- all the while calling me baby and honey and stuff.

Steve eventually gets the phone back and we talk a little more before ending the call.

When I put my phone down, I look up to see Rubi looking at me.

Mouth agape, eyebrow raised, sis was just confused as hell.

Now, again, why did I suddenly forget she was in the fucking room? I have no idea.

Yes, she asked me a million questions.
Yes, I tried to deny it at first.
Yes I ended up admitting it.
No, it's not because I'm ashamed of my relationship.

If I had it my way, the whole world would know how lucky I am to have those beautiful people in my life. But, they're heroes- and there are some ignorant and old fashioned ass people in this world.

And to make matters worse, those ignorant and old fashioned people seem to be the same ones that make the most impact when sharing they're opinions on other people's lives.

Right now, it's just better to keep everything a secret.

But it can't be a secret forever, and we know that.

Anyways, that's how she found out. Now she insisted on giving me every ounce of relationship advice she could come up with.

She practically begged to go Christmas shopping with me just so she could give me advice on what I should get my partners.

Mind you, I'm the one dating them. Why she thinks she knows them better than I do? I don't know.

I finished my routine and quickly got dressed to go and meet Rubi. We agreed on grabbing breakfast before heading to any stores.

Happy decided to drive me, and we laughed and joked all the way to Rubi's house. Though, his demeanor changed once she got in the car.

"Hi Sleepy" She beamed, making me roll my eyes.

"Girl you know his name ain't no damn Sleepy" I say, sending her a warning glare

"I'm just being silly. Good morning Happy"

"Good morning" Happy says, sighing a little bit.

He drove us to the restaurant and told us he'd be back to pick us up whenever we called. I nodded and got out the car along with Rubi.

"Damn. Your own personal driver? This whole fucking the avengers thing seems cool" Ruby said as we entered the restaurant.

"First of all, keep your voice low. Second of all, he's not my chauffeur. He's a friend that offered to do something nice. Don't be an ass"

We picked a table and sat down, deciding to go ahead and order since we're very familiar with the place.

"So tell me, what are you gonna get them?"

I shrugged, "Not sure yet. I don't have a set list of things I wanna get. I have a couple ideas- but I feel like I'll know the right gifts when I see them"

"Oooh okay. So where we going first? Gucci, Prada?"

"I was thinking Barnes and Nobles. Bucky loves to read. Then maybe an art store cuz Wanda is getting into drawing-"

"Boooo" Rubi groans right as our drinks are brought out, "An art store? Barnes and Nobles? Come on now sis. Do you know who you're shopping for? You gotta be a lil more expensive"

"Last time I checked, I'm the one laid up in the bed with them. I think I know what they like, or how expensive they are"

Our food gets brought out and we thank the waitress before making sure she was out of earshot to continue our conversation.

"I'm just saying Kenn... Tony Stark? One of the richest men in the world? What you gon get him? Some socks?"

"I was thinking of a painting. He really likes statues and paintings and stuff." I admit

"Oh. You're gonna buy one out a museum?"

"I was gonna find a local artist or sculptor and have them make something original."

"That's cheap Kenn"

"He would love that" I shrug, "I think I know my men, and I know my women. They don't need expensive shit to be happy"

"I bet they're buying you something expensive" She giggles

"And if they are, I would appreciate it. Hell, they could buy me a lunchbox and I'd love it. It's the thought that counts."

"I'm just trynna give you advice"

"Don't need it" I smile and she takes that as the cue to drop the whole topic.


Our Christmas together will be amazing, with or without all that materialistic stuff.

As long as they're by my side, I'm good.

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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