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~K. Capri~

"Hey darling" Tony flirts as I enter the kitchen. Thanksgiving was only a few weeks ago but I missed the team dearly, so I decided to come back a week before Christmas instead of just showing up on the actual day.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?" I ask while making myself a cup of coffee

"Good. You?"

"Terrible. I can't sleep at all." I complain

"You need to stop sleeping in Thor's bed. It was made specifically for him, he likes his mattress hard and firm"

"Yeah but his bed is huge. And it's not the mattress, I think work has been stressing me out."

"I thought you shut business down until after the new year?"

"For my employees" I correct, "I'm still working. Business don't stop for me- I'm the owner"

"Well take a break. You're on vacation too"

I smile lightly, "Have you been taking a break?"

The billionaire ignores me purposely, causing me to laugh

"You're still working. But you want me to stop?"

"I'm only tinkering with some suits. Not doing anything related to my business." He says while taking my hand and leading me into the dining room.

We sit at the table and continue talking, him bragging about Peter- or Spider-Man- as he always does. I tell him about my new potential business partner, Tamika.

"Yeah she's nice. Her assistant is okay. I think he maybe finds me attractive so he acts a little strange"

Tony gives me look mixed when jealousy and caution.

"Like, he's creepy?" He asks

"Wouldn't say that. He kinda just stares and stutters and stuff. Gets nervous around me. Not too bad."

"Right now" Tony says, "I don't know the guy so I won't say he's a weirdo or anything, but watch him.
Seriously. If he ever does anything tell us"

"I will" I say, "But I think Tamika and I will officially merge businesses after New Years. We're already so good by ourselves, this business merger will be good"

"If what's his name isn't a creep" Tony jokes. I roll my eyes playfully and we continue talking.

We talk about music to shows to movies and back to music. Eventually we reach the subject of jewelry and Tony obviously gets a little nervous.

"I know you love jewelry. Always been like that?"

"Yeah" I smile, "I used to make little bracelets and rings when I was younger. Kept me occupied as a kid"

"That's cute. So what's your favorite piece of jewelry?"

"Uhh.....Rings in a general sense, I think. Necklaces tie with rings, definitely. Bracelets are nice but I can go without them. Earrings are a must, of course."

"Ever liked ankle bracelets?"

"Never had one. But I'd love one" I shrug

"Good" Tony says, "Because I bought you.." he trails off, eyes widening as if he just made a mistake.

I sat confused, watching as he rests his head in his hands and starts whispering profanities to himself

"Tony...you alright?"

He nods but still looks stressed out. I think about what he said and concludes that he accidentally spoiled what he bought me for Christmas.

Crazy cuz I didn't even catch on at first, I had to think about what he said in able to understand what was wrong.

"Tony, calm down. It's fine"

"Couldn't just keep my fucking mouth shut" He laughed bitterly and took a long sip from his coffee mug. Tony's self deprecation always concerned me.

It's one thing to be pissed at yourself but when you're just beating yourself up and talking down on
yourself, that's a whole different thing.

"Seriously, its okay. Don't stress over it, gonna get yourself sick" I warn, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. He was tense, but calmed down after a second or so

"I'm sorry" He says, "Feels like I just ruined the whole surprise."

"Not really. I may know what it is but I have no idea what it looks like- or how it'll look on my ankle. I'll still be surprised. Stop getting so mad at yourself"

He smiled but quickly frowned, "I try not to get too upset at myself. It's kinda hard"

"Stems from past trauma and stuff? Maybe?" I question

"Definitely" Tony confirms. I take my hand from his shoulder and place it on his hand.

"Why not see a therapist? I'm thinking about going to see one sometime soon"

"Don't believe in 'em" He says, "Tried that when my parents....yeah. She was more concerned with the fact that I was Tony Stark than the fact that I was a complete mess"

I sighed and held his hand a little tighter. I wasn't gonna make him do anything he didn't want to do- not even gonna try and push it.

"Well imma be here, me and the rest of the team. We love you, and we're all ears whenever you need us. Just...don't let it get bad. Okay? Don't go off the deep end"

He scoffed, "I been off the deep end, darling. More times than you could count. I swore I'd never go there again, especially after meeting Peter, and establishing a relationship with the team....and meeting you."

My cheeks began to burn as I watched him get up and grab a mistletoe that laid on the opposite end of the table. It was for decoration but no one had put it up yet.

"Oh look. This mistletoe just mysteriously fell into my hand"

I rolled my eyes. Corny as fuck for no reason.

"Boy come and kiss me and stop being corny." I say, making him burst out laughing and rush over to me, bending down and kissing my lips lovingly.

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

I think it's pretty clear Kenya and Tony have a special bond within the group- I love writing scenes with them.

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