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**Cute lil short chapter ahead 🥰**

~K. Capri~

"This is the most GORGEOUS horse I've ever seen" I gush, staring at the beautiful friesian horse.

It was black, full mane and tail- with feather like hair near her feet.

"You're taking me horseback riding?" I ask Thor with a huge smile on my face

"Yes. It's only fitting that I teach you how to ride horses since I'm gonna be taking you to Asgard a lot more often"

I was now smiling so hard it started to hurt, "Babe, this is best birthday gift I could ever ask for. Thank you"

He bent down to kiss me. I happily kissed back, but quickly pulled away to hurry up and ride the horse.

"Eager, are we?" Thor asked, making me flip him off

"I've been wanting to learn how to ride a horse since I was a lil girl. This was literally the number one thing on my bucket list"

"I'm glad that i was able to fulfill that dream. Now, before I teach you- what are you gonna name her?"

My eyes damn near popped outta my head, "Huh? Name her?"

"Yes. You gotta name your horse. She can't just run around here nameless"

"wait....THIS IS MY HORSE?"

"Of course. We all have horses of our own, Sam named his Bolt, Wanda named hers Blondie, Tony named his Carrot-"

"You're gonna have a way better name that any of those, don't you worry" I said, petting my horse. Thor laughed and repeated his question.

I honestly have no idea what I wanna name her. Maybe something majestic, maybe something cute....something simple?

"I'll name her.....Alastor" I smile, but Thor only crossed his arms

"Alastor? After the horse belonging to Hades?" He asked. I nodded.

I like the name....is it not a good name?

"How about we not name her that? Let's be original"

"Okay, fuck you" I say jokingly.

He and the rest of their asses stay coming for me.

"How about I throw some out there and see what she responds to?"

Thor agreed and I took a minute or two to come up with some names. After I did, I began just shouting names at her

"BUTTERSCOTCH, DOLLY, LADY, LUCKY, MISTY" I screamed, but she only ignored me

Sassy ass horse


She suddenly lifted her head and looked at me.

Onyx it is.

"Her name is Onyx." I say, "You like it?"

"I think it's perfect. Now let's start that horse back riding lesson"

I nodded and watched as he started to pick up some gear that we needed and called over a beautiful brown horse that was not too far from us.

Damn...he fine as hell for real. Over here making my dreams come true and shit..

He needs to stop before I ride something else tonight-

"Kenya, you ready?" Thor asked, knocking me out my thoughts

"Yeah...yeah I'm ready"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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^^ Onyx

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