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~K. Capri~

Time seemed to go by so fast, before we knew it- the year was halfway over.

I was falling even more in love with my partners, even beginning to talk about personal things (such as the relationship with my parents).

They were so supportive, Thor even began to talk about his mother with me. He brought up a ring, a purple one that belonged to his mother. He told me that he was saving it for his future wife- then joked about how me, Wanda, and Nat would have to play Rock Paper Scissors for it.

I laughed, but wondered if he was being serious. I mean, he basically said that I was gonna be his future wife. Were they thinking about marriage?

We've been together for nearly a year at this point, is it too soon to think about getting married?

I mean, I love them with everything in me... I wouldn't mind marrying them. In fact, I'd love to marry them.

"What are you thinking about?" I heard Tony ask, nearly making me jump out of my skin. I guess I was too busy staring off into space when he walked in.

"Nothing" I smile, while popping a cherry into my mouth. He smirks at me before taking one of my cherries.

"Wanna see a trick?" He asked. I nodded and watched him eat the cherry then tie the stem with his tongue.

"Oooooh" I tease, "So cool"

"Bet you can't do that Kenn" He had smug look on his face so I just shrugged and ate another cherry

"Bet I can. Let's see who can do it the fastest" I challenged. He immediately accepted. Just as soon as he started to tie the knot, I was done.

"....the fuck?" He asked in pure disbelief

"Looking cocky as fuck only to lose" I laugh, "I win Anthony"

"Don't call me that" He rolled his eyes, "Call me what you usually call me"

"Tony?" I giggle, watching him pick up another cherry

"I'm starting to not like that name either. Call me something else"

He ate the fruit then put the stem in his mouth

"Baby? Honey? Sweetie?" I suggest. I could see him blush a little at those names. I don't know why, I call him these pet names on a regular basis.

It feels good though, knowing I can make my man blush.

He pulled the stem out his mouth after tying it then grabbed my hand.

"Yeah I like those. However...I do like future husband a little bit better"

"Oh really?" I grin, "Well I hope you got a ring ready"

He takes the stem and attempts to put it on my ring finger but the damn thing almost broke. He then put it on my pinky.

"The next ring I give you won't break so easily" He laughed, semi embarrassed.

"I hope not. I'd be mad as hell"

Tony laughed it off, but my mind started racing again. He was the second one to talk about marriage....were they thinking of proposing?


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I wish all of you so much happiness and many blessings in 2023 <3

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