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~K. Capri~

"You've gotta be joking" I say, staring down at the news article with my partners surrounding me. There it is, big bold letters;


"How did this get out?" I say, freaking out. This can't be happening. Not like this.

We had a plan, Tony was gonna do a press conference. He was gonna ease the Public into this information.

"Twitter is on fire right now" Sam says, "As expected"

"How did this even leak?" Steve asked

I started to scroll through the article, seeing pictures of us on a date. We had rented out an entire bowling alley, making sure the employees all signed NDA's. Thing is, the photos were taken from inside the building.

"Someone's getting fired" Nat says, "And sued. Stupid on their part"

"We can figure out who took the pictures before the day is over." Tony says, "I hope they have a good lawyer"

"Who would be stupid enough to sell pictures of us to the press after signing an NDA? I bet it was the old bitch" I say, "That hoe had a lot to say about us"

"I think it was the bald dude. He kept staring at Kenn"

"I think it doesn't matter" Nat interjects, sighing and running a hand through her hair.

"Well...the whole world knows now. I bet it's already on the news" Bucky says angrily

"But what did we expect? Even if we told the press the way we intended, we would still get backlash" Thor says.

He was thinking logically, and we all knew it. I mean, he was right. Either way, it would have been hell.

"You're right" I sigh, "I guess it doesn't really matter"

"What matters is your safety now, Kenn. The press is gonna be on your ass and I wanna make sure you don't get hurt" Sam says, sending me a sad smile.

I nod, I knew that.

"Okay well... I'll hire some security for Kenn. I think it's best if you work from home for a while darling."

I only nod again, I can't protest. We expected this, after all. It's just...we wanted to wait to tell the public.

Hiding my relationship with them was never an option for me, not forever at least. Only until we were absolutely ready. Tony had brought up the idea of the press conference, but we were at least gonna wait another year and a half to do it.

"Go ahead and go back to bed Kenn. And turn off your phone"

I nod again, making my way to Tony's room. Nowadays we all sleep in his room considering his bed is big enough. Though, we are starting to look for a house. It's about time we take that next step in our relationship.

Once in Tony's room, I laid down on the bed and was about to turn my phone off until a got a call..

It was Rubi.

"Shit" I curse, deciding to answer.

"Hello?" I ask

"Not only were you fucking Steve, BUT THE WHOLD DAMN TEAM?" She nearly yells. I roll my eyes and sigh

"I was gonna tell you sooner, but we needed time"

"How much time? Because you've known them for a while now Kenn. How long have y'all been dating?"

"Almost a year" I admit

"A YEAR?" She yells, "Girl I am your best friend! And you wait a year to tell me you're in a relationship with Earth's mightiest heroes?"

"Im sorry" I wince, "But we had to keep it on the down low. Our relationship was just outed- shits finna hit the fan"

"Oh it already has" She says, "Twitter is having a field day. Your ass in on the Shaderoom, and the news, plus some of our business partners are a little hesitant to keep working with us"

I groan, this shit can't be happening.

"How many?" I ask

"Two are on the fence, saying they're thinking about leaving- but most are staying thankfully. Tamika says she has no plans of leaving"

"Thank the gods" I say, "Okay well, I'm working from home today. So any in person meetings, I'll be in on zoom. Just hold it down at the office"

"I don't know" She says, "I'm just an assistant, you sure I can handle that?"

"Rubi please don't piss me off. Not today"

She groans but eventually mumbles an "okay" before hanging up.

I turn my phone off and start to rub my temples..

Let's just hope this blows over quickly...

It won't, will it?


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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