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~K. Capri~

"You're officially a millionaire" My best friend, Rubi, said to me

"And on my 21st birthday" I grinned, "Such a coincidence"

"I mean, we predicted that you would hit the millions around this time so it's not really that surprising" She shrugged

"I see it as a birthday gift to myself."

She laughed, "Why? If it wasn't for your daddy giving you the start up money, you probably wouldn't have even achieved this" She waved around her hand but dropped that smile once I glared at her

"But I'm proud of you" She says, "You worked hard"

"Yeah. All this in two years. A hustler for real"

"And I helped" She reminded, "I'm the best damn assistant in the world"

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my desk. I sat in my chair and continued to look over the financial report

"I should reach the multimillions by my 22nd birthday" I said

"Kenya, come one now. Can't nobody make that much money in a year"

"I can. Just watch"

<One Year Later>

"Tens of millions of dollars" I smirk, "And on my 22nd birthday"

"Nepotism is a bitch" Rubi sighed, "Your daddy probably pointed some people to your business"

"No, I just work hard"

"And you kinda cheated. You added other businesses on top of your initial one. If we're going off graphic designing alone- you made-"

"Millions. My Digital Marketing and App development also made millions"

"Right. How did you even do that? Most people only get around 50k for graphic design a year"

"Networking...long, sleepless nights, up to 20 hours at work. Social media definitely played a part in it"

"And your dad's starter money." She muttered

"Rubi, you're throwing a lot of shade at me, considering I'm your boss. I can still fire you"

"You would never" she giggled, "I'm your best friend, and you love me. Plus, I'm the one that reminds you of all your important events- like the charity event tonight"

"Almost forgot about that" I sighed, "What time is it again?"

"5:00" she said

"That's so early. It's already 2:00 now" I grabbed my purse and started to walk out my office.

Rubi hurried behind me

"I had Lucille drop off your dress at your house." She said while a little short of breath

"And my shoes?"

"Yeah, just make sure to be ready by 4:30. I'll be outside waiting around that time"

We got to our cars and parted ways.

I sped to my house and quickly took a shower, did my makeup, did my hair, put on my clothes, and took a few pictures.

Okay well...maybe not that quick. It was 4:55 bout time I walked out the house.

"You're lucky the venue is only a couple minutes away." Rubi said once I hopped in the car

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