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~K. Capri~

My alarm went off and I immediately knew I wasn't gonna take my ass to work. Rubi had it covered, and I really didn't have to be there until later on in the week to have a meeting with a potential business partner.

I got up, did my morning routine, then went downstairs to make breakfast.

Halfway through eating my scrambled eggs and bacon, I heard a car horn honk outside my house.

I ignored it at first, then I heard two more after that. I checked my ring camera and seen none other than Tony Stark outside my house.

"Now how the hell did he get my address" I mumble before walking over to the door and opening it.

"Hello beautiful" He greeted, "I thought you'd be at work"

"Yeah, sorry. Happy told me you were sending a car over and- how'd you get my address?"

"Happy gave it to me" He shrugged. I stared at him before crossing my arms and backing up a little. He must have sensed my discomfort because his eyes widened

"I'm so sorry, I realize how creepy this is. I just didn't get your number and I wanted to bring your car over"

I nodded with my arms still crossed, "And how'd you know I wasn't at work?"

"Well, I called your office beforehand to see if you said whether or not you were coming in- just to see if I needed to send a car over"

"I see" I mumbled, "This is very stalker-ish of you"

"Would you forgive me if I said I had your old car fixed AND bought you a new one?"

I looked behind him and seen my old car and a gorgeous Range Rover parked there.

"Oh my god, how'd you know I wanted a Range Rover?"

"That one was a lucky guess."

I went to slip on my house shoes then walked outside.

"I was actually about to buy myself one of these" I said while walking over to the Range, "I've always wanted one, but my best friend talked me into buying that car"

"It's a nice car" Tony shrugged, "Most people adore Bentleys"

I giggled. I do like my Bentley, but it wasn't my dream car.

"I think she liked it more than I did. It is a beautiful car, but this is more my style"

"Here" I turned to him and saw he was handing me both sets of keys.

I graciously took them both and cheesed while getting into my new car to check out the interior.

"Let's take it for a test drive" I suggested. I ran to my house to grab my purse before closing and locking the door. I then practically sprinted to my new car.

Tony quickly got in the passengers seat and I started the car

"It has that new car smell"  I thought before pulling off.

"Thor picked out the color" The billionaire said as we cruised around the neighborhood

"Oh really?"

It was a nice dark blue color. I liked it.

"He has good taste"

"He'll be glad to hear that"

Tony seemed a bit nervous, and I wondered why until I realized I was a bad bitch.

I mean, I would be nervous to be around me too.

"Tony" I called out


"If we're gonna be friends, you can't do any more of that creepy shit. Don't pop up at my house anymore"

"Not without calling ahead of time" He grinned, "And I'm sorry again"

"No worries. The car made up for it"

"Really? Because I was still gonna invite you over to eat dinner. I hired a couple chefs"

".....okay the car AND the dinner will make up for it. While I'm there, y'all should go ahead and run those tests"

"We will."

I pulled up back to my house and put the car in park, "And one more thing Tony"

"What's that?"

"You gotta let me try on that suit"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

Kinda hate this chapter 🥲

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