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~K. Capri~

The next few months did indeed fly by. Some good things started happening, our house started to feel more like a home, the attention from the media started getting more "normal", that fuck ass assistant, Rodney, wasn't really bothering me.

However, I was super stressed out- because the wedding was here. I was about to be married, like married married. And married to the fucking avengers.

My head began to spin, I started to overthink everything.

What if something goes wrong during the wedding, what if someone crashes the wedding? What if villains show up? What if the weather suddenly gets bad?

Let's say the wedding goes well, I have the rest of my life with them! What if-

"Kenn? You alright?" Rubi asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. She stood in front of me looking beautiful in an Asgardian-traditional dress, hair and makeup done flawlessly.

"You look nice" I say, making her smile.

"Thank you. I may be giving you a run for your money, huh?"

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair. The makeup artist just finished, all I needed to do was slip my dress on.

"Don't be nervous Kenn. We're in Asgard....in Norway. I promise you nobody is gonna come up in here"

"Plus Thor has a bunch of guards posted up everywhere" I heard Monica Rambeau, one of my good friends and hero alongside my partners, say while walking over to me.

"Right. This shouldn't be the wedding you're worried about, the second wedding may be a little more difficult though" Rubi says. I sighed and begun putting on my dress as they helped me.

I don't know if that was her attempt at making me feel better, but that was definitely the last thing I wanted to hear.

She was right though. The second wedding was going to be held back in the states and if any of my worries were to come true- it would be at that wedding.

This event was more like a unifying ceremony. Thor told me that we're gonna be sort of spiritually connected. He said it's a short ceremony so it'll only last about 25 minutes in all, then maybe a reception if we feel like it.

We know the Asgardians are gonna celebrate, but we're thinking about leaving right after because our second wedding is in two days.

Oh Gods...the second wedding.

I felt the anxiousness rise in my stomach, making me feel queasy.

"Miss Kenya? Ready?" I heard one of the helpers ask. I nodded and took a deep breath. We walked out the small cottage while I desperately tried to calm myself..

We all had our own entrance into the venue, and I could hear the loud music and cheers coming from the crowd from outside.

The place was extremely large, and shaped like a circle, so even though I knew my partners were not that far from me, I couldn't see them.

We heard a bunch of doors open, so I'm assuming the men were walking down now.

I was to be the very last wife coming out (I lost the rock paper scissors game) so my party and I waited behind the doors patiently.

Nat's door was to be opened first. I knew hers had opened not to long after the men because the crowd was enthusiastically cheering her name. Wanda was a minute after Nat, her cheers were loud as well.

Then my doors opened soon after, and I was able to see my partners. They were all standing at the end of the aisle, in a circle, looking at me.

Before I knew it, my wedding party hugged me and rushed to get to their seats. I was walking down the aisle, absent-minded. I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

The cheers around me sounded muffled, I could barely even hear the music. All I saw were my partners.

My soon to be husbands and wives.

They were all crying, some tried to hide it but some didn't.

Once I reached them, I started to be aware of everything around me.

In the middle of us stood a bowl of sand on a glass table. The officiant was a few feet away from us, dressed in gold and white while standing behind a gold podium. Loki was seated in the front row, dressed in his usual green and gold combo.

There were a couple more faces I recognized, everyone who wasn't here was gonna be at the second wedding.

The second wedding...

Just when I felt myself getting anxious again, Wanda grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I smiled, allowing myself to relax as the room quieted.

It was fast. A bunch of words the officiant told us to repeat, us all putting our hands into the sand, more words, then throwing the sand over our shoulders.

Next an older, beautiful woman dressed in the most beautiful purple dress walked in the middle of us and picked up the bowl. She then took a handful of sand and circled us, putting the sand on the floor in the process.

She bowed at us when she was done. More words, more repeating.

"Do you all promise to love one another until the end of time, no matter what trials or tribulations will appear? No matter the problems that will arise? And no matter the circumstances of those issues?"

"We do" we all said simultaneously.

"Then it shall be done"

He chanted a quick mantra, making the sand around us glow.

"By the power invested in me by our ancestors, and with honor coursing through me, declare you to be connected to one another- making you husbands and wives."

A quick pause before the officiant laughed, "Kiss each other"

Cheers erupted once more as kisses were being passed around throughout the group.

"I can't believe we're married" Nat giggled as we all made our way down the aisle together. We had the option to walk down our individual aisles but hell nah.

"One more wedding to gooo" Tony sung, winking over at me.

One more wedding to go.

I hope everything goes well.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

So guys we're in our last chapters of this book (THANK GOD). As you can see, I'm kinda rushing it because I really want to finish so I apologize if the writing isn't that good.

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