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~ S. Wilson~

"There's my future wife" I flirted once I seen Kenya walk towards the table I had reserved for us. She was glowing, as usual. Her hair was in a large Afro and she wore this gorgeous yellow dress that showed off every curve she had.

Damn. I definitely can't let her go.

"Wasn't I your future ex wife a few weeks ago?" She joked while greeting me with a hug.

"I was playing. I'm for real this time"

"Whatever Wilson. You probably say that to every girl you meet"

"No" I shrugged, "Only to you.....Wanda and Nat"

She bursted out laughing and took a seat across from me. I noticed the little necklace she had on, the pendant was shaped like a little bird.

"Nice necklace" I commented

"Wore it just for you"

I smiled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. This girl knew how to make me nervous.

And make me happy

And make me think

It's only been about two months since we met. She was already driving me nuts.

"Wanna order before we talk?" I asked. I could see she started to panic a little when I said that.

I didn't want her to be nervous. Nothing I was gonna say was bad.

"Yeah let's order"

The waitress came to us and we ordered our food and waited till she was out of ear-shot to speak

"I missed you" I say quietly

"Same here. And I just saw y'all not too long ago"

"Been a couple weeks" I say, "Been busy with work?"

"Yes, hella busy. I gotta meet new clients this week, then potential business partners the next week. Everything's been crazy"

"Damn. You must be tired"

"As hell" She confirmed, "But enough of my complaining. You're a superhero, you gotta be tired all the time"

"I'm used to it darling. I'll be fine."

"Gotta be nerve racking" She said. The waitress came back to give us our drinks and appetizers before leaving. She gave me a quick wink before hurrying off- but I ignored it.

"It is" I agree, "But it's my job. I take pride in saving the world, saving people...saving you"

Kenya smiled and rolled her eyes- but I knew she was flattered.

"You're so corny." She laughed

I chuckled and we started to talk about a couple of other things while waiting for our food.

Once our food was out, we waited til the waitress walked off to begin to talk, but it took her a while to leave.

Kenya was annoyed by now, the waitress (who's name was Allie- I learned) had made it her mission to flirt with me.

It started off as suggestive looks- that went to touching my arm and shoulder, then just outwardly flirting.

I made sure to let the woman know I wasn't interested- but didn't miss the look she gave Kenya before she quickly left.

"Do you get that a lot? The flirting?" She asked after quietly eating her food for a little while

"...I guess"

"That was a yes or no question" She shot back, beginning to bounce her leg.

I could tell she wasn't pissed, not really mad- more irritated and jealous.

"Yes" I answered, "People lust over me. And Steve, and Bucky, and Nat. And all the rest of us. We're some of the most well known people on this planet- there's gonna be people that find us attractive"

"I just needed a yes Sam, didn't need all of that"

"But you're jealous"

"I'm not jealous" She chuckles

"Yeah you are. And don't try to deny it again because we both know you're lying"

"How can I be jealous? I have no right to be jealous. You wanna fuck some waitress? Do that"

"Who said I was gonna fuck her?"


"I rejected her Kenn. I don't want her, not in the slightest bit"

"I'm just saying, don't reject her because of me- if it was because of me. You're not mine so it doesn't matter"

"I just don't wanna pursue anything with her. I'm spoken for" That made her eyes widen

"By the others? You guys decided to give it a chance?"

"Yeah we...we decided to try it out. Thanks to you."

She smiled brightly and grabbed my hand. Her beautiful smile suddenly made everything right in the world...my world.

"I'm so proud of y'all. And don't worry, it's gonna work out. I know it will. I see the way you guys interact...how you look at Wanda and how you worry about Bucky"

She held my hand a little tighter, "How you laugh with Tony and hug Steve. And um, how you hold Nat's hand... and joke with Thor. I just never noticed how intimate and sacred everything looked until a couple weeks ago"

I laughed, "You noticed all of that? How about how I look at you? Or how Tony sends you morning texts everyday, or how Wanda picks the most gorgeous flowers from the garden to make specialized bouquets for you. Our love is intimate and sacred...and we want you to be apart of that."

Her smile dropped slightly but returned a second later. She looked hesitant, which scared the living shit out of me.

"I don't wanna mess it up" she admitted, "Y'all have been knowing one another for years. I just came into the picture."

"We love you"

"Don't say that" She says while looking away, "You can't love me. It's only been two months"

"We go at your pace" I shrug, "But I know you feel the same."

This makes her look at me. Her face told me everything. She wanted to be with us, but was scared. There was so much that could happen. Our whole relationship was a scandal in itself.  So much shit could happen if this got out.

But like Kenya said, fuck a risk. This is our lives, and I'll be damned if I miss out on loving this woman with everything in me because of what the world may say.

"It's too early" Kenya says after a while, "I wanna take it slow. Get to know you all better. Then, when the time is right, I'll tell you I love you. And I'll know I mean it"

I only gave her a large smile, trying to resist the urge to get up and kiss her.

I was just happy she was giving us a chance. I could see Kenya in my life, for the rest of my life. All of us could. Since we met her, we all got this weird feeling that she was the missing piece to our little, complicated puzzle.

"You don't know how happy you just made me" I whisper, bringing her hand to my lips so I could kiss it.

"Yeah, now I just gotta have this conversation six more times"

"I'll tell them if you want"

"No" She muttered, "Let me tell them"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

My bad for this dramatic ass chapter 😂😂

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