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~K. Capri~

"Hush Tony" I muttered while putting the finishing touches on my cake. The billionaire was doing everything in his power to distract me from decorating this dessert.

"Kenya, this is serious. Just look at me real quick"

I roll my eyes and give him my attention, automatically regretting it when I see him juggling apples.

"Tony, please fuck off"

"That's rude" He pouts, putting the apples down and walking closer to me. I groan when he starts poking at my sides, saying my name every five seconds.

"Tony. You're acting like a fucking toddler. What's the matter with you?"

"Im bored, Kenn. Let's go do something. We could see a movie"

"We saw a movie yesterday. And the day before that. Plus, you know I need to get to that work party"

Rubi decided to throw a little party at the office and invite a bunch of potential clients and work associates. I personally hate work parties because it's just a bunch of fake ass laughs and corny ass conversations but hey, it could boost business.

"As soon as I finish this cake, I'm on my way there"

"So what you're saying is, make sure you don't finish the cake?" He joked

"Tony... leave me alone."

He sighed, "I want you to stay here"

"I've been here for days, you should be tired of me by now"

"But I'm not" He stresses, "Just go to that work thing then come back here"

"No Tony, I miss my own house."

"But it'll be boring with out you"

"All these damn people in this compound and you think you'll be bored?"

He chuckled, "Okay maybe not boring, but it won't be as fun."

That makes me smile a little. When I finish the cake, I take a step back and admire it. Tony compliments it, then me, which nearly makes me give in and stay at the compound.

But no, this little sleepover has gone on long enough. I had a great time but I wanna be back in my own bed- plus my office is closer to my house than the compound and I really hate having to drive the longer distance.

"I'll call y'all tonight, and I'll see y'all soon." I promise

I check my watch and see I'm already running late to the party. Thankfully, I got dressed and everything before deciding to finish up my cake.

Definitely thought I was gonna get frosting all over me but it didn't happen, thank goodness.

"Tell the others I said bye, okay?"

Tony agrees and I give him a quick peck on the check before carefully putting my dessert in a cake box and rushing out.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

Kinda hate this chapter, it's just a filler anyways.

But um, sorry for being so inactive 😀✋🏾. I have some things going on and I just hadn't been in the mood to write that much- but I'm not gonna give up ❤️

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