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Hey y'all 🧍🏾‍♀️ Long time no see... How are things, how's it going?

You may be saying; Author, where the fuck you been at?

Throughout these couple months I kinda got writers block and then lost my confidence in my writing, I recently started to believe in my abilities again so I figured why not come back to Wattpad and continue these books?

It may take me a while but I really wanna finish my stories since they get so much positivity.

Sooooo, thank you to my readers- love y'all so much- and please don't be mad at me 🙂

~K. Capri~

"A fucking Island?" I asked Tony as he smiled down at me, "You bought me an island for Christmas?" A playful smirk played on my lips as the billionaire laughed.

Me and the rest of my partners were all gathered in the living room, exchanging gifts.

Tony had just given me a piece of paper and before I could even read it, decided to shout out that he got an Island.

"I bought you a large amount of property on the Island. I knew you probably wouldn't want the entire land to yourself." He explained

"Baby what am I supposed to do with an Island? What if I barely go there?"

"It's a vacationing spot, sweetheart. And we will go there, almost every summer for vacation. I'll make sure of it"

I smiled and shook my head, it would be Tony to buy me property for Christmas. I love that though, very smart and very sweet.

"I love this baby, thank you" I say while standing to hug him.

"Okay me next" Wanda exclaims while practically dragging me from Tony's grasp. She walks me over to the tree and picks up a gift wrapped in some very pretty wrapping paper.

"I hope you like it Kenn" She says with a nervous smile.

I carefully tore the paper off to see a box of legos- immediately making me break out in a happy laughter.

"You actually bought these for me?" I happily yell out, letting my inner child free.

"I remember you talking about them on our date. You said you wanted them" She grins

"Kenya...your grown ass wanted some blocks?" I heard Sam say while chuckling.

He such a damn hater.

"When I was younger, I begged my parents for some legos but these were the only toy they wouldn't buy me. They said it was too messy"

"And it is" Steve confirms, "I don't wanna come back from a mission and step on those things"

"You won't. It's a Lego set. You're supposed to put them together to make something, like this one is the Eiffel Tower" Nat explained

"Yeah Cap, you won't be stepping on any legos or anything, I won't make a mess" I teased, "But thank you Wanda. It really does mean a lot"

We hugged and I went back to the couch to take a seat.

"Why didn't you buy yourself some sets when you got older?" Tony asked as I set the box down on the table.

"Every time I tried to- my friend, Rubi, would go on a whole rant about how childish it was. Then I would just buy them anyways and the next thing I know- she would give them to a toy drive and give me the money back. After a while I just got too busy and forgot about them"

There was a silence in the room until Sam spoke up;

"Kenn..." He trailed off, "And you just let her do that? I know I joke around but really, if something like this makes you happy then why was she doing all that to stop your happiness?"

"Yeah Kenn. That's fucked up- it really is" Tony agreed.

"Shall I kill her?" A voice said, making us all jump and turn around to see Loki.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call before you just walk in here?" Tony asked

"You keep telling me and I keep ignoring you, don't you get tired of saying the same old shit?" The God asked, walking over to me and handing me the large wrapped present he held.

"Ooooh this is big" I smile

"Funny...that's what you said last night too" Sam smirked, making Thor roll his eyes.

I unwrapped the present then opened the box to see a bunch of presents inside. There were lotion, body spray, and body wash sets from Bath and Body Works, some candles, a blanket, slippers, all my favorite snacks, some journals and pens, a wine bottle, and a cute cup

"LOKI" I say, immediately hugging him. He let the hug linger for a while before pushing me off him.

"Don't get too excited. It's really not much" He said, trying to hide his embarrassment.

I gave a knowing grin before pecking his cheek and thanking him.

We continued with the gift exchange, laughing and telling stories until everything was opened. After that, Sam got up and started cooking with Wanda deciding to help him.

"Such a great Christmas" I smiled, "Did you have a good time baby?"

"I did" Thor said while wrapping his arms around my torso (I was sitting in his lap). "I'm looking forward to New Years though"

"Why?" I ask

"Being able to go into the New Year with you... kissing you at midnight.. It's all too exciting"

I coo at the blonde and was about to turn around to kiss him but Loki shut that down quick.

"I don't want to see any PDA. Do it and I'll murder you"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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