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~K. Capri~

"What the fuck do you mean the officiant won't marry us? WE FUCKING PAID HIM" I yelled, damn near about to pass out as Misti, our wedding planner, stood typing away vigorously at her phone.

"I know that Miss Capri. We will get that money back and I'll get a new officiant! I always have back up plans"

I nodded and sat down in my chair, muttering an apology for yelling at her. She gave me a small smile before leaving the room to call a her back-up plan.

My makeup artist, Lillian, quickly started to paint my face, talking to me about a plethora of things to get me to calm down.

"Yeah so he cheated on her" She said, continuing my makeup and the crazy ass story she just told me.

"Damn. And she stayed?" I asked. Lillian shook her head with a chuckle

"Hell nah. She stole all his money then burnt his house down. Left that nigga broke and he had to go stay with the chick he cheated with"

"As she should"

We continued to talk, allowing me to relax as she finished my makeup.

"Miss Capri?" I heard Misti call out. From the sound of her voice, I knew it was some bullshit.

"Yes?" I asked. She walked over to me with Peter Parker walking right behind her, holding something behind his back

"Hi Peter" I say, confused as to why he was in here. I love the kid, but he's supposed to be with Tony getting ready.

"Hi Kenn. I have a little problem"

"What is it?"

"Miss Capri, I have to do the finishing touches to your hair" The hairstylist said, walking up to me. I nodded then turned my attention back to Peter

"Go ahead Peter, what's the matter? Something happen with Tony?"

"No" He said, "Mr. Stark is alright. It's just..."

He took his hands from behind his back and showed me a pair of dress pants.

I then noticed he was wearing the top half of his suit while the bottom seemed to be sweatpants.

"The button popped off" He said.

I stared at him for a couple seconds, but quickly started to laugh hysterically.

"First of all, you're so adorable" I say to him, making him hesitantly smile, "Secondly, Tony must have told you I know how to sew"

"He did" Peter confirms.

I point over at a small cookie tin on one of the tables, "Look in there. There's should be some thread and a needle "

"In the cookie tin?"

"Ain't no cookies in there" I say, making him shrug and walk over to the tin. He grabs to tools and walks back over to me.

He hands me the stuff and I start to sew the button back on, making sure not to move too much so the stylist doesn't mess up my hair.

"So, how are things with MJ?"

Peter blushes, "Good."

I pause to look up at him with a small grin, "Just good? No new updates? I remember you telling me you guys were talking about babies"

Peter rolls his eyes playfully while chuckling, "I told you we were talking about fur babies! As in pets"

"Thank Goodness" I mutter, "Y'all too young for children"

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