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~T. Odinson~

*1 Month Later*

"Brother, leave" I said to Loki, who was annoyingly following me around the compound

"No. Why are you being so weird?"

"Why are you being such an annoying little weasel? Aren't you supposed to be looking after Asgard?"

"Valkyrie has it under control. She'll call if anything goes wrong" He shrugged

"You know, I'm starting to think I should have made her king"

Loki faked an offended look as we walked over to the living room.

There, Tony stood readjusting a picture frame on the wall.

"Stark, you've been straightening that frame for the last 20 minutes. It's fine"

"What if she doesn't like it?"

"Oooh, she?" Loki teased. Stark's head snapped towards us.

"You invited your brother?"

"I did not invite him." I defended, "He came here all on his own"

"And I'm glad I did. There's a girl coming over?"

"Shut up" I warned

"Does she know of you all's little secret?"

"HEY" Tony yelled. He walked over to Loki with his chest all puffed out. He was trying to look intimidating but my brother towered over him

"Don't say that while she's over here"

"Do you all like her?"

"I think she can be a real asset to the team" I said, "She can wield the hammer"

"Kenya is NOT joining this team. We aren't putting her in that kind of danger"

"She's already in danger if she's hanging around you fools" Loki snickered, earning him a glare from me.

"How so?" Tony questioned

I rolled my eyes. The night Stark brought Kenya back here to run tests- he let her put on the suit.

That was a dumb idea

Poor thing broke her leg after falling 14 feet.

"You let her try on that suit" I said once I was out my thoughts

"It wasn't my fault! She asked and-"

"You could have said no" I pointed out

Wanda then came rushing in with clothes in her hand

"Should I wear this or this?" She asked while holding up two dresses

"Both are gorgeous" I assured her

"Yeah but I called Kenya and she said she was going to wear black and I thought it would be nice to match with her but what if I wear this red one to-"

"Oh, so you like the girl too?" Loki teased. She mugged him before flipping him off and walking away

"Loki, can you please leave?"

"No! I want to meet the girl. She sounds great"

"Don't scare her off, Loki" Stark warned as he heard the doorbell ring.

Out the corner of my eye, I could see my brother smile mischievously

"I would never do such a thing"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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