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~K. Capri-

"Maybe we should get five pies instead of four- in case anyone wants leftovers" I say, eying the pies in the bakery area of the store. Sam looks damn near offended and pulls me away from the desserts.

"Bullshit. We're not buying pre-made pies. We're making them from scratch"

"Scraaaaaatch?" I ask, dramatically sighing and pouting. Sam rolled his eyes as he dragged me to go find flour.

He insisted that I help him last minute shop for Thanksgiving, though it's really just been me suggesting shit and him shutting it down.

I said we should grab some stuff for me to make cornbread and cranberry sauce and he said only he could make the sauce and cornbread because he likes it a very particular way and the team is use to his cooking.

He really playing me as if I can't throw down in the kitchen-but I digress.

"How about I make my famous loaded scalloped potatoes? It's so good. There's bacon and cheese and-"

"Don't worry darling, I'll cook" Sam said, looking for a specific bag of flour. I faked offended and quickly walked off while he was distracted.

You think I'm finna spend my first Thanksgiving with y'all and not show off my cooking? Fuck no.
Im making something.

"Imma buy my own stuff" I whisper to myself. I run to go grab a shopping cart and make my way to pick up some ingredients for three of my favorite dishes; loaded scallops, stuffing, and candied yams.

I'll leave the cornbread to Sam- he made some one time and I tried it. That shit had me planning out our future together.

Soon enough- just as I thought- Sam called me and I answered.

"Yessss?" I answer

"Where you at?"

"Went to get a basket. I'm getting my own stuff"

"Oh you are?" He asked. I could practically see the smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah I am. I'm gonna make yams, scallops, and stuffing"

"Oh really?"

"Yes. So you don't gotta make none of that stuff"

"Nah. I think I should" He said, making me raise an eyebrow.

"I'm confused"

"We're gonna compete" Sam said. I scoffed and hung up, going to go find him so we could talk face-to-face. I finally found him after a couple minutes.

He had a dumb smirk on his face, I fucking knew it.

"A competition?" I asked once I walked up to him

"Yes. I'll leave the yams and scallops to you but I'm gonna make my world famous stuffing. We're gonna have everyone taste it and choose the best"

"No! You said it yourself, they know your cooking so they know your stuffing. We can't compete with that dish. Choose another"

"Afraid are we?"

"Yes, the fuck" I say, "If we're gonna compete, I need a fair chance"

"Okay fine, then you choose"

I thought for a second, letting a small smile come across my lips

"Let's make something easy..." I say, "Mashed Potatoes"

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