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*Short lil cute chapter ahead*

~K. Capri~

"You okay?" Bucky asked while hesitantly walking into the bathroom. I was in the tub, bubbles covering my body and the water damn near burning my skin off.

Shit felt great.

"Yeah" I smile, "Just a little tense"

"I could see that. The press has been..."

"Ruthless" I finish, watching him walk closer to the tub, kneeling down once he reached me.

"I'm sorry this is happening baby. You don't deserve this bullshit"

I shrug and close my eyes, leaning my head back against the wall

"Would have happened no matter what. It just happened earlier than we expected. I'm sorry YALL are going through this. I mean, you are earth mightiest heroes"

"Whatever that means" Bucky laughs, I open my eyes and watch as he started to shed his clothes off.

It was sexy, but not in a horny type of way, more in a loving, comforting boyfriend type of way.

...If that makes sense.

That makes sense right?

"I promise we'll make it up to you once this is over. How about a long vacation?" Bucky suggests while climbing into the tub. I wait until he's settled and comfortable before speaking, "Sounds good. But we gotta keep it low key. Can't tell nobody where we going"

"Perfect. How about that Island Tony bought?" Bucky asks while running his hand up and down my leg.

"That's such a wild ass sentence" I laugh, "But yeah. Thats good. When can we go?"

"Super soon" He smiles fondly, "I promise"

I nod and close my eyes again, feeling complete knowing Bucky was right across from me.

Everything's gonna be okay. It's rough now but good things are coming.

I can feel it.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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