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~K. Capri~

The sound of the default Iphone ringtone fills my ears as I toss and turn in bed. I ignored the last time it rung, as it was so early in the morning.

I decided to take a day off from work and relax a little. Since I left the compound, I had indulged myself in my business and barely talked to the avengers. It's not that I didn't want to talk to them-  I was just so busy.

But I learned they were also busy, apparently some type of "alien threat" landed on Earth and they had to take care of it before it got out of hand.

Aside from that, the news gave me information on the various villains they stopped and interviews they were doing.

So, we hadn't talked for a good two to three weeks.

Needless to say, I miss them like hell. This is the longest we've gone without communicating since we met. It feels so unnatural to not get a late night FaceTime call from Tony.

Or a good morning text from Sam

Or an "accidental" call from either Bucky or Wanda

Or even a random ass gif from Thor.

But even though I hadn't been talking to them, Loki and I talk all the time. He tells me being King means he either has all the time in the world, or no time at all.

Lately he's been unoccupied so he'll call me or even drop by. Imagine how scared I was when a random ass portal opened in my kitchen last week.

So I concluded that the person calling was Loki, and he'd open a portal to my house if it was important. I let the call go to voicemail again- but I received another call.

This kinda scared me, so I hesitantly sat up and grabbed my phone.

Steve was calling.

I immediately answered and put the phone up to my ear, "Hello?"

"Kenya! I called you three times, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good" I answered, "It's just really early, what's the matter?"

"Oh! Im sorry if I woke you. I needed to ask you about this um...problem I have"

"Okay" I say, stretching, "What's wrong?"

"Well, I'm going to an elementary school for career day in about a week and I have to give a speech. I wanted to know if you thought it was good or not"

I resisted the urge to mumble an "aweee" but allowed a smile to curl up on my lips.

"Sure. First of all, how long is it?"

"About three pages-"

"Fuck no" I say, cutting him off, "Kids don't have the ability to pay attention that long, Steve. They're gonna boo your ass"

"I know, but it's a speech on integrity and honesty."

"They lil asses don't even know what integrity means" I roll my eyes and giggle a little, "Shorten it. Trust me. Keep it brief and sweet"

"Okay" He says before going silent for a little while

I patiently waited for him to speak again while deciding to go ahead and begin my morning routine.

"I think I'll be able to cut it down to a page...maybe half a page. But I can't just give a speech and leave"

"Why not?" I asked. Hell, those kids will be overjoyed by the fact that he's even there.

"Maybe I could take some pictures with a few kids?" He asked

"Nah. That'll turn into every child wanting a picture. And if everyone doesn't get a picture, you'll hear a bunch of little kids screaming and crying. Just take a picture with the principal- group picture with the teachers and such, then big ole group picture with the students. That way it's fair."

"Good idea" He says. I can practically see the big smile that just went across his face.

"Also, if you're worried about boring the children- bring them lil goodie bags"

"That's not a bad idea. I could put some coins in them and-"

"Again, fuck no" I quickly say, "These kids want candy and toys. Put a little bit of candy in there, maybe some little rings or bracelets, and a little Captain America toy or something"

"Damn. You're good" He said, "I knew it was a good idea to call you"

"Of course it was" I smirked, "Revise your speech and FaceTime me later so you can say it to me. Also, go ahead and tell whoever the fuck to start putting together those goodie bags. You need to figure out how many students there are."

"I was just gonna guess around 450"

"Do 500 just in case. Any extra can go to the staff. But again, figure it out just to be sure. Also, throw some iron man toys in a few bags"

"Why? You think they'll like them more?"

"Nah. I just figured that'll cause a lil drama. Stir the pot a little, because why majority of the people got Cap toys but a few got iron man?"


"I'd be mad as fuck cuz why the fuck I wasn't chosen to get an iron man toy?"


"I'd trip every kid that got an iron man toy"

"Which is why everyone is going to get the same toy" Steve laughed. I laughed as well.

I was joking, of course.

Still...would have been a little funny.

"Call me back when you re-do the speech"

"Will do" he answered. We both said our goodbyes and I hung up with a goofy smile plastered on my face.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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