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~K. Capri~

"Don't be an asshole Buck" I warn as he threatens to pour hot sauce in the cranberry sauce. He laughs as he puts the bottle down and strolls over to me

"I'm bored Kenn, is the food almost ready?"

"No" I answer for the umpteenth time.

Actually, the food was near finished but he has been bothering the hell out of me.

If it's not him asking then it's Tony. And they only ask me cuz Sam be yelling at they're asses and Wanda always threatens to sew their mouths shut.

"Leave Kenn alone, and get the fuck away from the cranberry sauce. Go play with your arm" Sam says, dismissing Bucky from the kitchen.

"I'm fucking falling asleep" Bucky sighs dramatically

"Good. Take a nap and stop coming in this kitchen."

"Sam-" Bucky starts until he's cut off by Wanda

"Leave James, we need to concentrate. You and Tony are no longer allowed in here"

"WHAT DID I DO" Tony yelled from a few feet away

"Hush" I say, ignoring the whining from both men. Bucky eventually leaves and he and Tony decides to (dramatically) leave the house.

"They too damn grown for that shit" I laugh, "Bucky is 100 years old and doing all of that"

"It's so annoying. Imagine living full time with that overgrown toddler" Sam groans

"Hey, not too much on him" I warn, "That's still my boo"

Wanda giggles hysterically as Sam rolls his eyes and finishes his mashed potatoes.

Mine finished only 5 minutes ago so it was perfect timing.

"Alright, get everybody while I set the table"

"But Tony and Bucky left" Wanda reminds us

"They probably sitting out on the curb. I bet you $20 that Tony is looking off into the distance while playing a Drake song. An extra 10 if it's Marvin's Room" Sam challenges.

"Deal" Wanda and I say at the same time.

We follow him to the front door and he eagerly goes outside.

"There's no way he's winning that bet" Wanda whispers to me

"Nah. That was way to specific. Tony's not that dramatic- well I'll be damned" I cut my own self off when Sam brings a sad looking Tony in.

He had earphones in but we got a clear look at the phone.

Yes it was a Drake song

Yes it was Marvin's Room

"He wasn't staring out at the horizon so I'll dock $10 from our bet"

I bit my lip to keep in my laughter and made a mental note to pay him later.

Wanda goes to find the others so we can eat while Tony and I help Sam to set up the table.

Sooner than later, we're all seated at the table stuffing our faces with Thanksgiving food.

Thor could eat a damn horse if he wanted to. Ate bout five plates, I'm just glad he enjoyed the food.

"Alright y'all, by now everyone tried both bowls of potatoes so you gotta tell us who's was better"

"Yeah" Sam agreed, "Was it my delicious mashed sweet potatoes, or whatever the fuck Kenya made?"

Laughs echoed throughout the dining room while I sat with an offended glare on my face

"My mashed potatoes were good!" I defended

"Beer cheese mashed potatoes, does that even sound good Kenn?" He teased. I rolled my eyes and waved him off.

That just blew me cuz what the fuck?

It may not sound good but it was.

"Don't be mad Kenn" Sam says, still with an amused smile on his face.

"Exactly. Especially since your potatoes were a thousand times better than Sam's" Bucky shrugged

A smile quickly plastered on my face while Sam looked obviously taken aback

"They were better Sam. They were creamy, cheesy, the flavor was there" Steve agreed

"Honestly the best I've ever had" Tony said

Everyone else took turns agreeing that MY potatoes were better.

Sam was pissed, good. Talked all that shit just to have to wear my face on a shirt for Christmas.

"Damn Sam, how it feel to know everyone thought my dish was better?"

He rolled his eyes and went back to eating his food. 

"Don't be mad Sam, imma choose a really pretty picture of me to use for your shirt."

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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