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~K. Capri~

"Hey mom, it's....Evangeline" I cringe at the use of my old name, "I was just calling again to say hi. I know we're not on the best of terms but um..."

I sigh and hang up the phone. I don't even know why I still attempt to get in contact with my parents. They don't love me, they don't care, so why even try?

"I don't know why you call those people" Rubi says from behind me. I sigh again and turn to her, seeing she was looking through my closet.

"I guess I call because they're my parents" I shrug

"But they hate you. You say they hurt you, so why try to continue a relationship?"

I bite my lip and shrug. I think it's because I long for my parents to love me. It's all I ever wanted. A functional family. I have cousins and stuff, but we really aren't close, especially after my aunt died.

"Anyways, there's this party tonight that you should come to"

"No" I quickly say, "I have a date tonight"

"....with who?"

I ignored her and walked over to the mirror and look over my outfit

I ignored her and walked over to the mirror and look over my outfit

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"Your outfit doesn't scream 'date'" Rubi said, "It's plain."

I put on some body spray I got from Bath and Body Works then grabbed my purse.

"I'm not going out to dinner. It's just a cute little date at Top Golf."

"Cool. Let me come too" She said with a slight attitude.

First of all- hell no.


"To make sure the person is nice. I'm okay with being a third wheel"

"Nah, Rubi. You go ahead to that party. I'll be fine."

She rolled her eyes and we both exited my house. She got in her car and drove off without another word. I got in mine and drove to Top Golf.

To my surprise, it was empty as hell when I got there. Except for some bodyguards and two SUV's.

When I hopped out the car, I was immediately rushed inside where I met with the avengers.

Bucky greeted me first. His hair was in a cute little man bun.

"I love your hair" I teased, making him blush.

"Thank you" He said shyly. I gave him a hug then moved on to Tony- his blond highlights really added on to his attractiveness.

"Look at you, old man" I laughed. He rolled his eyes

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