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~K. Capri~

After Thor and I's horse ride, he took me to grab a bite to eat and then we went back to Loki's castle. It was so gorgeous- and bigger than I imagined.

When we walked in, I immediately took notice to the soft music playing, accompanied by the smell of food being cooked.

"About time you two showed up" Loki suddenly appeared behind us, scaring the hell out of me

"Loki, stop sneaking up on me" I thunder, making him smirk

"But it's so fun." He jokes. Just as I was about to say something back, I heard the very familiar voice of Tony Stark call my name.

I immediately turned around and saw the rest of the avengers were by his side. They all looked so good might I add.

"Y'all looking real good and I'm over here with jeans and a shirt" I laugh, "Why so dressed up?"

"It's a special occasion darling" Nat says. Her voice sounded so sweet yet so....seductive. That's something I loved about her.

"We picked out a dress for you, go ahead and get ready" Sam said

I nodded and followed Wanda to one of the bedrooms to freshen up and get ready.

~L. Laufeyson~

"Is everything ready?" Stark asked me as soon as Kenya was out of earshot

"Yes" I rolled my eyes, "Everything's perfect. Just make sure you fools don't fuck this up"

"Why are you so damn negative?" Sam asked. I shrugged

"I said nothing negative, I just said don't fuck this up. If I were to be negative, I'd probably say there's a good chance Kenya won't accept your offer to be her partners because you idiots waited so long-"

" Thats enough Loki" My brother stressed

" I wasn't done" I say while holding up a finger, signaling him to shut up, "BUT, There's an even better chance that she will be thrilled that you all FINALLY asked, and she'll accept"

"See, that's much better" Bucky smiled

"Yes, she'll be happy. I mean, she's basically been playing the role of your girlfriend for so long that you would think-"

"Okay is this whole conversation just so you could bash us or...?" Steve asked, "Because you've been talking for 3 minutes and everything you said included some type of an insult"

"You should be used to insults, you wear fucking Stars and Stripes-"

"Shut the hell up" Steve interrupted before I could even finish.

Yes, I was taking this time to insult them because who waits a year to ask a woman- Kenya to be exact- to be your significant other?

And these dummies love her so much, and she loves them.

I don't and won't understand it, but oh well.

** 45 minutes later **

~K. Capri~

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before allowing Wanda to come in the room to check on me.

"Oooooh, you look good my love" She gushes, coming up behind me and wrapping her arms around me.

"You smell good too."

"Yeah, one of the maids gave me some nice ass soap. Shit smells like heaven" I mumbled, making Wanda laugh

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