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~K. Capri~

I checked my hair right as Happy pulled up to the compound. I had dyed it a very dark blue and wore it in a large Afro.

"You think they'll like my hair this color?" I asked Happy. He chuckled before shrugging and getting out the car to help me out.

"I think, whether they like it or not, you look good"

I hid a shy smile and thanked him for the crutches he was handing me.

It took a little while for me to get used to the crutches but I was more comfortable now. I mean, that's what I get for getting in that damn Iron man suit.

"I hope somebody cooked, I'm starving" I mumbled once we reached the door. I rung the little door bell but Happy quickly took out his key card and scanned it.

"If they didn't, I'll go grab you some food" He gave me a wink and followed me inside the compound as soon as the door opened.

The first thing I was met with was a smell so lovely. I did a little happy dance in my head when I realized Sam was cooking.

"There she is" Tony Stark greeted with his famous smile. He kissed my cheek, helped me to the couch, and took my crutches (setting them against the wall).

"I just want you to know that it pains me to see you with those things" He said while plopping down next to me. I gave him a light shrug,

"Doesn't bother me, shouldn't bother you"

He sighed and stared into my eyes. I truly loved his confidence- he wasn't afraid to look anyone in the eyes- and demanded you look into his.

His eyes were truly captivating, and I always got lost in them.

"It's all my fault" He said quietly, "I shouldn't have let you try out the suit"

"It's not your fault. I'll be fine in a couple more weeks, don't stress about it"

I gently took his hand a squeezed it, reassuring I was fine.

"How can I make it up to you?"

I smirked, "Make me my own suit".

As soon as the sentence left my mouth, he let out a loud cackle and shook his head.

"Absolutely fucking not" He laughed just as the rest of the team arrived in the living room.

Wanda was the first to run up and give me a tight hug.

"You look so cute, and we're matching!" She squealed. I saw we had on similar black minidresses.

"We are, aren't we? You been reading my mind?"

She smirked and shook her head, "Not yet"

I gave her a teasing look before Nat walked up and hugged me.

"You look good, and I love the blue" she said, referring to my hair.

"Thank you- I was kinda scared to get it."

"Well you look gorgeous" She grinned and moved out the way so Thor could greet me.

"I see you dyed your hair my favorite color"

I rolled my eyes playfully and hugged him. He smelled so good, as always.

"That's a coincidence" I said while still hugging him.

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