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~K. Capri~

"Fuck no" I say, staring at the ugly ass dress Rubi asked me to try on.

"Come in Kenn! It's so pretty, and it's unique"

"This shit is bright yellow with feathers. What the fuck do I look like walking down the aisle looking like a baby chick?"

She groans and puts the dress back on the rack, "It's better than those bridesmaids dresses! You know I hate the color pink"

"It's more of a peach than a pink and the dress is pretty."

"Well I think this dress is pretty" She grins, only making me roll my eyes.

I wanted Wanda and Nat with me but we decided to wait until the wedding to see each other in our dresses.

"So who's getting married to who?" Rubi asked as I looked at a few more dresses.

"We decided I would get legally married to Tony. There wasn't really any reason behind it though. Wanda and Bucky will will be legally married, Sam and Nat, and then Cap and Thor."

"Okay, so if something were to happen to you-"

"They're all in my will so, them along with any kids we have would get everything"

Rubi nodded, "what about the business?"

"I'd leave it to Tony"

"And what about me?" She asks, making me side eye her

"You'd be a shareholder, but I'd be a little more secure with my husband taking it over if something were to happen to me."

"That's not fair Kenya. I deserve the business and you know it"

I sigh, frustrated already, "Rubi we've had this conversation before. I just don't trust you with that kind of responsibility, which is why you're my assistant"

Once I concluded my wedding dress wasn't in this store, I turn to look at her with a large frown on my face, "And anyways, why are you talking as if something is finna happen to me?"

"I'm not!" She quickly defends, "I'm just saying you need to think ahead"

"Trust me, I have been."

The conversation ended and we left the bridal shop quickly. She got into her car without another word while I waited on Happy

It took him only a couple minutes to pull up and hop out to open the door for me

"Why are you out here by yourself? You know Cap likes for you to wait in the store or in your friends car to avoid paparazzi"

"Well my friend left me, so" I shrug. Happy only grumbles out something I couldn't understand and gets back into the car

"And where is your bodyguard Kenn? I know you don't like having to be followed everywhere you go but you're not some regular girl. You know the paps are ruthless and-"

"I know Happy, and I'm sorry. I let him leave early because he got a call saying his son got rushed to the hospital"

Happy sighs but nods understandingly

"I don't mean to scold you Kenn but I just want you to be safe."

"I know, and I'll be more careful. I promise"

The rest of the car ride goes on without any talking. I enjoy the silence, it gives me time to think.

I started to wonder about the future, how soon the wedding is. These couple months will fly by, then I'll somebodies wife.

Well, I'll be a lot of people's wife.

Then maybe I'll be someone's mother.

Then someone's grandmother.

This shit is crazy, life and all that.

I wonder if future me is reminiscing on past me right now. And past me is thinking of future me. But present me is thinking of both of them?

"We're here Kenn" Happy says, knocking me out my confusing ass thoughts. He gets out and opens the door for me, watching as I walk to the front door.

"You don't gotta watch me dude, ain't nobody gon snatch me up" I laugh, making him chuckle

"You never know. Be careful, like I said."

I nod and unlock the door, waving one last time before stepping into the house.

Speaking of the house, it looked a fucking mess. We just moved in and there are boxes everywhere. Not to mention trash from the little movie night we had the other day.

"This shit needs to be cleaned up....Steve gon do it as soon as he gets home"

The hell I look like cleaning up this big ass living room? I don't have the stamina.

Once in my office, I kicked off my shoes, grabbed a blanket from the closet, and took a seat on the floor. I hadn't had time to get any furniture yet but I don't mind this for right now. The floors are carpet anyways, so I'm not that uncomfortable.

Usually I unwind in my office, getting some work done if I need to or just enjoying the quiet.

My fiancés don't mess with me while I'm in here, which I appreciate. I really treasure my alone time, and I don't get much of that with seven partners.

However, I do miss them, which is why I'd sometimes leave the door open so they know it's okay to come in.

But if the doors not open, and they need me-

"KEEEEEENNNNNNYAAAAAAA" I heard Sam scream from the bedroom.

This alone time lasted all of 24 minutes

I got up and stretched, walking out the room and into my bedroom. All my fiancés were gathered around our bed, which confused me.

"The fuck y'all doing?"

"We got our new bedspread. I thought it would be fun for us all to make up the bed together."


"Mmkay" I say, stepping back as I watched Sam and Bucky struggle with the sheets

I already decided that I'll put the pillows on. We have a big ass bed and I don't have the patience.

Wanda laughed whenever the fitted sheet would untuck, making Bucky even more angry every time it happened

I slyly got up to grab my camera from the drawer to  take pictures of this moment.

Times like these make me excited for the future.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

I hate this chapter but oh well

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