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~K. Capri~

Waking up in the compound this morning felt a little different. For one, I wasn't woken up by my alarm.

My eyes damn near popped outta my head when I looked at the clock and saw it was nearly 10:00 A.M. I'm supposed to be at work at 7:00.

I shot up out of bed and rushed into the connecting bathroom where I found a big basket of self care products and a little note. I picked up the note and began to read;

Happy 23rd birthday Kenn.
You're probably freaking about because you're late for work- we did turn your alarm off while you slept.
(Don't worry, we got in contact with your assistant and business associates, everything is fine at the office- no need to go in)
To make up for the mini heart attack you definitely just had, enjoy this basket of the best self care products on the market. Feel free to look through it and try some out- then come downstairs to see your second birthday surprise

- The Avengers

"Awwww" I cooed, setting the note down on the counter and looking through the basket. I looked through all the face and shower stuff, but paid close attention to the lotions and hair care.

I knew Sam was likely the one who took charge in getting the products for my hair- and he did a hell of a good job.

"Definitely excited to try this stuff" I say, looking at a the basket in awe. This has to be at least a year supply of products.

I soon left the bathroom after brushing my teeth. I then put on a robe and slippers. I dashed out the bedroom and went downstairs, seeing a huge '23' balloon and many gifts surrounding the balloon.

"Oh my gods" I mumble, taking a look at the rack of dresses and the array of shoes. I took note of the multiple jewelry boxes and multiple boxes that were wrapped up in the fanciest wrapping paper I've ever seen.

I was so in shock that I didn't even hear a portal open behind me. Loki soon joined my side, scaring the fuck out of me when I noticed him.

"Loki! You can't sneak up on people. I almost smacked the shit outta you" I groan, making him laugh

"Happy birthday darling"

I smile and give him a big hug. He's just now starting to really get used to my hugs.

He secretly loves them though

"You're such an affectionate person" He says once we let go

"You love it" I shrug. He rolls his eyes but knows I'm right.

"Go and get dressed fast. I'm taking you to Asgard for another surprise"

"REALLY" I near scream, "Wait, why? I mean, I definitely wanna go but what are we gonna-"

"You have exactly one hour to take a shower and get dressed. Hurry up" He said while taking a seat on the couch. I nodded ran back up to the guest bedroom.

I hurried up and took a shower along with rushing to do my daily skin care regime, picked out a very simple outfit, thanked the Gods that I got my hair done last weekend so all I had to do was take my bonnet off and redo my edges, put on shoes, grab my phone and purse then run back downstairs.

I was impressed to see that I ended up only taking 45 minutes.

"Good job on picking a simple outfit, we may get a little dirty" Loki said while opening up another portal

"Dirty? How dirty? Because I just got my nails done. Do I need to grab something to cover my hair? Do you know how long it takes to do passion twists?"

I hurried back upstairs and grabbed my bonnet just in case. The portal was fully open once I reached downstairs again so I just followed Loki in.

The scenery was....gorgeous.

"Oh my goodness" I gushed, taking note of the amazing mountains that surrounded the place, the gorgeous green grass and beautiful flowers that decorated the ground.

The sky complimented this, with a beautiful blue scene with no clouds in sight.

"Let's get going, shall we? The sun will set in only a few hours"

"Oh, it's evening time here?" I ask, staring at the sheep that pass by and the beautiful dresses the women near us are wearing

"...yes Kenn. We're in another time zone. That's kinda how they work. You do know-"

"Not too much on me" I interrupt, "I asked your ass a simple question"

Rude as fuck cuz how you try and drag me on my birthday?

"Wasn't a smart question Kenn" He smirked, making me hit him in the chest.

Im so sorry I didn't know what time it was in Norway...fucking sue me.

"Alright what's your surprise?" I ask with a hint of an attitude. Loki rolls his eyes at my tone and takes me to a barn.

"You stay here, I'll be right back" He says. Before I could even say anything, he vanished, leaving me standing awkwardly in front of this barn.

To make matters worse, I could smell the animals from outside. Doors closed and everything.

I like animals but shit

"Kenn!" I heard a big, boisterous voice yell. I immediately perk up and turn around to see Thor.

I run to him and jump into his arms.

"I didn't see y'all this morning" I say as I wrap my legs around him and he wraps his arms around me.

"We left long before you woke up. Needed to get everything perfect for your dinner"

I nodded and he put me down just as Loki returned.

"About time you joined us brother. Her surprise is ready"

Thor thanks Loki then grabs my hand and takes me towards the back of the barn.

"What's going on- Holy fuck" I say with a mix of surprise and joy


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

Left this chapter on a little bit of a cliffhanger so it wouldn't be too long ❤️

Left this chapter on a little bit of a cliffhanger so it wouldn't be too long ❤️

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^^Kenya's outfit

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