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~K. Capri~

"How much did you hear?" Steve asked me as we walked through the garden together. I loved their garden, it was filled with some of the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen in my life.

Wanda was the one who really kept up with the gardening, but Tony told me they all did their fair share of the work.

Though, Steve's question made me tear my eyes away from the plants and look up at him. He didn't return my gaze, but decided to stare down at his feet as he walked.

"Only what Friday told me, and the very end of your conversation- when Sam thought I went home" I answered truthfully

"And has your view on us changed?" He asked. I scrunched up my eyebrows

"Steve, c'mon now" I sighed, "Of course not. Why would it?"

"Because of what we do...." He trailed off, picking a rose from the garden and smelling it.

"Don't tell Wanda I did that" He joked as I giggled lightly. He then passed the rose over to me, mumbling something about a beautiful flower should be held by a beautiful woman.

"Thank you Steve" I said, feeling my cheeks heat up, "And no, my view hadn't changed. I told you guys you don't gotta worry about me not accepting you. Y'all are a couple of people who love each other- that's beautiful."

I could see a smile creep up on his lips. That made me feel good.

"I do love them..." He said, "And... we really do enjoy having you around. I'm sorry if this made it weird"

"It's not weird, Cap. I think it's great. You guys can show affection more openly now"

"Yeah, I guess we can" He agreed, "So you're cool with still hanging around us even though we...hook up?"

"Y'all relationship sounds like more than just a hookup" I shrugged, "And yes, I'm cool. Don't worry about me, I think the relationship in itself is beautiful, and you guys should embrace that. Like I said, fuck a risk"

"That's easy for you to say Kenya, you're not one of Earth's mightiest heroes"

I nodded, understanding what he was saying.

"You're right." I say, "I don't fully understand."

We walked in silence for a few minutes before Steve picked another flower, smelled it, then passed it to me.

"I'm gonna have a whole bouquet bout time we're done walking" I laugh

He laughs as well, but I could tell he was overthinking.


I stopped walking, which caused him to stop as well.

"I know I don't really get it but... don't miss out on an opportunity for true love just because of what the world might say. There's always gonna be shit talkers. No matter what. Might as well be happy and in love while all those miserable ass people say all that useless ass shit."

He grinned lightly and brought me in for a hug. I hugged back, rubbing his back a little.

"You ever been in love Kenya?" Steve asked quietly.

".... I don't know" I say, "I thought I've been in love a couple times. Nobody ever stayed though"

"...You in love with somebody now?"

I bit my lip and hugged him a little tighter, letting the words fall out my mouth before thinking...

"Too soon to tell, but I may be in love with a couple people, I think"

I regretted those words. How could I say that? It's been a month. A fucking month.

I'm pathetic, and moving way too fast. Not to mention I don't know how they really feel about me...

"Your heartbeat just quickened" Steve said, "Stop freaking out. Let me tell you a secret"

I nodded as we finally released from our embrace

"Those couple people....even though it's too early to tell- think they may be in love with you too"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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