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~L. Laufeyson~

"Have you packed for Asgard?" I asked my brother for the hundredth time. It was time for him to do his monthly check up, and we desperately needed to get going.

Once again, he ignored me and typed away on his phone. Annoyed with his behavior, I stomped over to him and snatched the phone out his hand.

"We have eight meetings, three parades, four charity events, a feast, and a royal jubilee. Have you packed your shit?"

He glared at me but nodded. Satisfied, I gave him his phone back.

"Thank the Gods that you gave me the title as King, our poor people would be doomed if you were to stay in the position"

"Oh, hush Loki. I ruled for a little while after Ragnarok and was an exceptional king."

I rolled my eyes. He was a good king, but I'm a great king. We aren't the same.

"We need to get going brother. That is, unless you have finally decided that you no longer have to check up on me every month."

"I definitely haven't decided that" He chuckled, "You're the youngest ruler Asgard has ever seen. You need me to guide you"

"Nonsense! I am an adult. No matter how young I am, I need no help"

"Bullshit, Loki. I'll leave you be once you're a certain age."

"You know, you were a young king as well."

"Yes but you're practically a teenager. This is a big responsibility"

"I'm an adult" I thundered

"Barely" He shrugged, "You're what, 19 in Midgard years? Talk to me when you turn 30"

"19 or 20" I corrected, "Legal. Grown. Adult enough to run Asgard. I don't need you breathing down my neck, Thor"

"I'm not trying to, Loki. I'm just trying to help.
That's all. I promise I'll back off a little- let you breathe- but I'm still going to do my monthly check ups."

His phone rang and he sighed in relief. He hates having this conversation.

I saw his eyes light up when he saw the contact name. He answered with no hesitation.

"Hello Kenya" He smirked, I rolled my eyes. He was doing his "cool voice", which only made him sound corny.

"You're here?.....Great, I'm actually about to leave but you could come by my room before I take off"

I found myself rolling my eyes again while walking over to his bed to take a seat. We were supposed to be in Asgard 3 hours ago but here goes my brother with his bullshit.

He says bye and hangs up the phone with a toothy grin.

"Tell me brother, have you slept with her?" I asked. He glared at me.

"I'm guessing that's a no. So you're not...what do Midgardians say? Pussy whipped?"

He threw his phone at me and I caught it with a loud laugh.

"I'm only jesting, brother. I like Kenya. In fact, I'm waiting for all you idiots to slip up so I can have my chance"

"Please" Thor said, "She wouldn't touch you with a 6 foot pole."

"Thor, don't get angry at me because she won't touch your 6 foot pole" I teased

He sighed heavily, trying to keep his composure,

"Or rather, 6 centimeters?"

I could tell he was about to scream at me but Kenya had thankfully walked through the door.

She walked over to Thor and gave him a long, loving hug. She then pulled away and noticed I was in the room.

"Hi Loki" She smiled brightly and came over to hug me.

Now, usually I don't hug people. I don't shake hands. Hell, I won't even look in your direction. It was different with Kenya. She had a certain warmth to her. She was sweet and genuine, and looked honestly happy to see me. Ever since I met her, I just felt like she truly wanted to be around me.

That was a new feeling. A feeling I liked.

"I missed you. It's been a while since we seen each other"

I stared at her for a couple seconds before speaking, "You missed me?"

"Yeah. And I read that book you suggested, it was so good! Especially that plot twist at the end. I knew that bitch was sneaky, never trusted her ass"

She continued to rant about the book while I listened with a small grin. This was nice.

She wanted to be my friend. She wanted to have conversations with me. I basically lived all my life being overshadowed and disrespected and forgotten, it was nice to be.... Seen.

"Anyways. Enough of that. I know y'all have to go" She pouted and looked over to Thor who was watching her with a smile.

I saw nothing but pure...love in his eyes. The oaf was falling in love.

I had seen this look before, with the avengers. It was the same look, but different variations, if that makes sense.

With Steve, it was love and respect.

Love and worry with Bucky

Love and annoyance with Tony

Love and astonishment with Wanda

And so on.

This look was love and.... completion.

When he looks at her, it looks like he found a missing piece. Like she completing him....them.

I think Kenya is just what they need. She's in it for the long run, I can tell.

They're gonna get married, and I better be the fucking best man.

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

Okay, I've said this many times in a couple other books but....I have no fucking idea how old Thor and Loki is.

I just be guessing like a mf. But they're both in their early 20's at most. I think I have Thor to be Kenya's age in Earth years so......yeah ❤️

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