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\\Short Chapter Ahead||

~K. Capri~

"Pleaseeeee Rhodey" I say, putting on my best pout while my friend glared at me. We were outside the new, gorgeous house my partners and I had just purchased. We would start moving in a week, but I decided to take Rhodey to come see it.

"No. I'm not a house sitter Kenya, I'm a super hero" He says, immediately making me roll my eyes

"Rhodey, can't you just do us this one favor?"

"Nope. I don't want to. And besides, y'all just bought this house, why spend a month away from it?"

"The wedding ain't until December. It's not like we're moving in then immediately leaving"

He shrugged, "I don't know Kenn. A whole month of house-sitting?"

"Just thirty days" I say, smiling widely. He rolls his eyes but gives an amused chuckle.

"Most people would ask their friend to house sit for a day or two, maybe even a week."

"I'm not most people Rhodes. And besides, you'd have this big ass house all to yourself."

He stares at me for a moment before looking back at the house. I could see the gears practically turning in his head before he sighed

"Why do y'all need a house sitter anyways? Y'all got hella security systems"

"Tony said it'd be better for someone to be physically here while we're gone"

"Makes no sense"

"Take it up with him" I shrug, making him sigh once more.

After another 30 seconds of debating, he says"Fine. BUT, while y'all are gone- this is MY house. I can invite anyone I want and I can do whatever I want"

"You can invite people but they gotta sign NDAs, they CAN NOT go in any bedroom besides the guest bedroom, they can't sleep over for more than a day, they better not be dirtying up my house, and if anything breaks or goes missing- it's your ass"

He laughs but I don't....I'm being deadass

"Okay deal, but I have one more condition"

"Anything, just name it"

"You gotta name your first son after me"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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