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~T. Stark~

"And then she said she would wanna be sober if we're gonna have an orgy" Sam finished as I began to eat my bowl of cherries. The rest of the (very hungover) team began to exchange looks.

"Do you think she knows?" Wanda asked while nervously playing with her fingers.

"Not unless someone told her" Thor said, looking at Sam

"Why you looking at me? I didn't tell her anything"

"I don't know" Thor shrugged, "You two just seem a little close, that's all"

Sam sighed while I nodded

"You two are close. You kissed her" I say

"You kissed her?" Bucky asked, looking between me and Sam

"I did. And she kissed Tony"

"Tony, she kissed you?" Bucky questioned while leaning on the counter

"On the forehead" I defended

"And I kissed her on the forehead. No big deal"

"It's a total big deal." Nat argued, "Sam, if you wanna start a romantic relationship with her- you gotta tell us"

He scoffed, "You should be telling Tony the same thing. He likes her too"

"I do" I confessed

"Well I like her too" Thor spoke

"We all like her, Thor. But she won't want to be with all of us" Steve said

"How do you know that? We never asked" Said Sam

"How the fuck do you even ask that question?" I muttered while popping another cherry into my mouth

"Maybe we should start by telling her about our situation. That could start the conversation"

"And what if she thinks we're freaks?" Steve stresses

"She won't. Kenya's not like that" Thor said

"Thor, we've only known her for a little over a month. We don't know everything about her"

"I feel like we can't just come out and say we're in a polyamorous relationship" Wanda shrugged

"We aren't" I laugh, "We just have sex together from time to time"

My voice was laced with a hint of aggressiveness. I wanted us to be in a relationship, but there were several people in the group who were afraid of what that could lead to.

Steve thought it would tear apart the team- make it impossible for us to work together.

Nat was more concerned about the friendships that could be destroyed.

Wanda sided with me on the situation, everyone else was on the fence.

"Tony" Steve sighed, "You know why we can't do this"

"Why not Steve? Because you're afraid? I'm afraid too- we're all afraid. But we love each other...we can at least try"

"Tony I don't want to lose you" Nat chimes in, "What if we all break up? What if we play favorites?"

"Then rules are set" I say, "I'm not against working hard for this relationship"

"I admire your passion, Stark" Thor smiled.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my cherries.

"... I really enjoy Kenya's company" Sam nearly whispered, "I wish we could just tell her. Like, tell Friday to send her a voice message- saying we all fuck from time to time. We have feelings for each other, and we really enjoy her company."

"Voice message sent to Kenya Capri" Friday called out


"...why the fuck would you say that?" I asked while staring at Sam

"I didn't know"

"You didn't know Friday would send a voice recording after being asked to send a voice recording?"

"It was a hypothetical" Sam stresses

"Yeah well, now Kenya knows."

"How do we know? She went home like an hour ago, maybe she's asleep. We got time to think of excuses"

"I never went home" We heard that light, beautiful voice say. We turned in the direction of the voice and watched as Kenya walked fully into the kitchen.

"I got the message from Friday" She smiles, "Just so you know, I enjoy your company too. And you don't have to worry about me not accepting you all..."

"You don't think we're freaks?" Wanda asked lightly. She looked mortified.

"Freaks? Are y'all serious?" Kenya laughed, "I've met my fair share of freaks before, and y'all don't even come close to them"

She moved closer to us, "We can talk about this if you want. I know it hasn't been long, but I think I have a real connection to you guys... you don't have to hide your relationship from me"

"It's not a relationship" I say

"Why not? Sam said y'all have feelings for each other"

"We're afraid" I shrug, "Some just don't wanna take the risk"

"Fuck a risk" Kenya shrugs, "And fuck what anyone says. If y'all love each other- be with each other."


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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