chapter 40: yap yap yap

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"Hey, Todoroki! Switch with me!" says Kai, offering Ponytail as a trade.

"Ok," he says, seeming apathetic about the situation.

Kai then skips up next to me with a smile.

"What," I chuckle, "You couldn't handle being without me for one exercise?" I tease, hiding the fact that I'm totally stoked to get to do this with her.

She narrows her eyes. "Shut up. I know you'd rather be with the than Mr. Threw-the-match."

I smile slightly. "I guess you're right."

"Besides, I wanted to see your face when you get scared shitless."

I scoff. "Scared? You're the only scaredy cat between us two."

"Psh. I never get scared."

"Liar. You were scared for two weeks straight just because you couldn't teleport."

"That was scary, okay?"

"Well I can't teleport at all, and I'm not scared."

"Shut up. You have C4 for hands."

When it's finally our turn to walk through the forest, I do everything in my power to spook her out. I tell her stories of the creepiest cryptids, then pause with a "Did you hear that?", but it doesn't seem to be working, and I eventually give up. She really doesn't spook that easy.

   I sigh. "It's not fair that you don't have to actually work on improving your quirk."

"Can't fix what ain't broke."

"Seriously. I have to put my hands in boiling water, and you're over there acting like you're breaking a sweat by teleporting 15 meters."

"Gotta keep up the facade, love. Can't let anyone know my full strength."

"Except me."

"Except you."

"What was it again that made me so special for you to tell your deepest darkest secret to?" I say with a smirk. I love to hear her say it.

"Nothing. I just chose you."

"And why was that?"

"I felt like I could trust you. Now shut up about it, before someone hears you, and I have to kill them."

I shake my head, then stop in my tracks, getting a brilliant idea. "Hey," I say, "Whaddya say we ditch this place for a while. Go somewhere nice."

She smiles. "Like where?"

"I don't know... maybe the Ritz-Carlton in the Maldives, the Plaza in New York, maybe even just a Motel 6 somewhere random."

She scoffs. "You horny bastard."

"Hey, you to said to Kirishima that he didn't miss much. I'll give him something to miss."

She bites her smirking lip. "Why do we even have to go anywhere?"


"There's plenty of spots out here."

"Wait, like, to..? Really?"

"I mean why not?"

"What if we get caught?"

"That's the fun part."

I shake my head. "You're crazy."

"Crazy for-" Her smile suddenly fades, and she looks up. "Do you smell that?"

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