chapter 71: a blaze of glory

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   As I'm just about to be done reading for the night, something rather... surprising shows up in my living room. One on Kurogiri's black holes opens up in the middle of the room, and out walks none other than my blue-haired ex-boyfriend. The black hole disappears behind him, and I'm left completely speechless at the sight.

   "You blocked my number," he mutters.

I'm shocked to say the least, and the familiar feeling of adrenaline starts to course through my veins.

This ought to be interesting.

   I close my book and toss it on the coffee table. "You blocked me first," I reply.

   "Come," he says, jerking his head towards the door.

   Come? Is he serious right now? He thinks he can just waltz in here like nothing happened, and I'd just follow him blindly?

   "Hell no," I say, sitting back against the couch and folding my arms.

   "You can leave any time you want, Aerie. I just want to talk to you. Come on, let's take a drive."

   As much time as I've spent cursing the air he breathes, I am quite interested in what he has to say. And with the whole Bakugo thing going sour, I'd like a bit of attention.

   I nod.

   We walk out the door and down the steps to where a driver waits for us in a black car. Tomura opens the back door for me, and I climb in. He gets in on the other side, and the chauffeur starts to drive off.

   "So," Shiggy says, "How've you been?"

   "Great," I reply. "How's your whore?"

   "How's the explosive brat?"

   I shoot him a dirty look. I should've known he's been watching me.

   "He's great," I say, crossing my arms.

   "How's hero school? Your hero friends?"


   "So everything's just great with you, huh?"

   "Yep. How are things with your little league?"

   "The hero killer has caused a headache or two. But we have new members. Powerful ones."

   "Oh, great. No need for me, then."

   He gives me the side eye. "Well, I could use you around."

   "Well, that sucks for you. Should've thought about that before kissing another girl and blocking my number afterwards."

   "Oh, kitten," he says scooting into the middle seat to get close to me. "You aren't still mad about that, are you?" he asks, looking down at me.

   I continue to stare straight ahead. "Mad? Why would I be mad? You threw away 4 years like it was nothing."

   "Oh, come on now. I didn't throw anything away."

   I move my head away from him. "You did. Because it's over now."

   "Oh, come on, kitten," he says softly in my ear. "You don't mean that."

   I let out a long shaky breath as a tingle runs down my spine. I've missed the way his voice sounds, the way his breath feels on my neck.

I clear my throat, trying to shake the feeling of attraction. "I do. I've moved on."

   "To, what? The explosive brat? You think a wannabe hero like that could ever love you?"

   He always knows just the words to use to hurt me. It's a talent of his.

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