chapter 86: beg.

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   I wake up in the morning to the sound of Katsuki's mom calling from downstairs.

   "Breakfast!" she calls.

   Although I'm groggy as hell, I'm starved. I roll out of bed and amble out the door. And, to my luck, I catch Katsuki doing the same.

   I quickly skip up next to him and rest my hand on his shoulder. "Morning, kittykat," I say, sweetly.

   He snatches his shoulder out of my hand and shoots me a dirty look, before continuing back down the hallway.

   "Ok, rude," I mutter, then follow him down the hall. "Smells good downstairs, no?" I say.

   Katsuki doesn't even look back, he just trots down the stairs, seemingly to get away from me.

   Okay, I know I said it'll take some time for him to warm up to me again, but what gives with these mixed signals?! First he loves me, then he says he's gonna turn me in to the cops, then he doesn't, and says I'm going home with him and kindly dresses my wounds, and now he's ignoring me!

   I continue to try to suck up to him during breakfast, but he doesn't even glance in my direction. But when his parents head off to work after we're finished eating, I see my chance.

   I scurry up the stairs before Katsuki can, and when he follows, I'm waiting in the hallway to ambush.

He tries to make it to his room before I attack, but I step between him and the doorway.

   "Hey," I say.

He narrows his eyes at me, and tries to go around, but I step in front of him once again.

"Hey!" I say, slightly louder.

"What do you want?" he groans.

Okay, he spoke to me. That's progress!

I clear my throat. "I want to talk to you."

"No," he replies, "Let me by."

"Oh my god," I groan, "You can't just keep avoiding me forever!"

"Not if you don't let me get through."

"That's exactly why I'm standing here!"

"What is it? Huh?" he says, letting his anger start to show through his apathetic facade. "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Uhh, I didn't actually think I'd make it this far. I don't really know what to say.

"Are you still mad at me?" I say, coming off more annoyed than I meant to.

"Yes, Aerie. I'm still mad at you."

"Well are you gonna be mad forever?" I say, sounding even more agitated.

"Uh, yeah."

"Oh, come on, kittykat! You're the one who made me stay, so now you have to talk to me!"

"Oh, is that how this works?! I either let you go with that lunatic, or just go on and pretend like nothing happened?!" he says, loudly.

"I didn't say we had to pretend like nothing happened."

"Then what?" he says, in a tone that makes me feel stupid. "Hm?"

"I don't know!" I cry, out of sheer desperation to be heard. I know that I can't continue do this without him. "I don't know what to say! Just tell me what I can do to make this up to you, and I'll do it! Please just give me a chance!"

He takes a step back and crosses his arms. "What you can do?"

I claps my hands together and nod frantically. "Yes! Just tell me, and I'll do it."

aerie (bakugo katsuki x oc)Where stories live. Discover now