chapter 3: table of idiots

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I feel pretty good about the Quirk Apprehension test yesterday. I'm just gonna ignore the fact that Deku threw that ball at all. I showed those losers who their superior is.

But being better than everyone and having them all fear your greatness makes things like this difficult: lunch period.

The cafeteria is bustling with people, and I realize I haven't had the chance to make friends yet. I feel like an idiot just standing here with my tray in my hands, not knowing where to go.

"Oi, Bakugo! Come sit with us!" the guy with the weird red hair calls over to me from a table.

I look around. I don't see anywhere better to sit, so I might as well. I sit down across from him and lift up my chopsticks. The dunce with a streak in his hair is here too, along with a guy with a soy-sauce face.

Weird-hair strikes up a conversation. "What was up with Aizawa-sensei yesterday? I totally thought he was serious about expelling someone!"

"He should have..." I mumble. I try to imagine how elated I would have been if Sensei just kicked Deku out right then and there.

"Yeah, what's up between you and Midoriya?" Weird hair continues, "Didn't you go to the same high school?"

"I dont want to talk about that damned Deku!" I exclaim. "It's enough that I have to see him every day."

"Alright..." Weird-hair looks around, seemingly racking his brain for a new topic. "What about Miyasaki and her teleportation quirk? She's pretty powerful."

"And hot!" Dunce-face adds.

I roll my eyes. "It's not that impressive! She can't even go farther than, like, 10 meters. I think her quirk is useless."

I don't really think that at all, her quirk is pretty legit. She did really well in the entrance exam, and I imagine her defense is undefeated.

Weird-hair chuckles. "I mean, it seems to be working out for her. She got second place in the entrance exam, right behind you. You know, you really shouldn't underestimate people, it's not very manly."

I sneer. I can't let these losers think I consider the annoying girl a threat. "That's because the villains were robots, and therefore stupid. I'm sure she has no hand to hand combat skills against someone with a brain."

"You wanna bet?" I hear Glitch-girl's voice say from behind me.

God, why does she always show up?

I turn around and see that annoying face of hers. "Get away from me!" I yell.

She looks at me with a blank expression, then looks up at Weird-hair, and smiles sweetly. "Hey Kirishima, can I sit here? Or did you wanna continue talking about me in private?"

Dunce-face lights up. "Oh, of course you can Miyasaki!"

I roll my eyes.


"It was all good things!" Weird-hair reassures, "On my end at least."

She blows air out her nose. "I'd hope so. And you can call me Kai," she says, setting down her tray next to mine sitting way too close to me.

Why is she like this? I scoot away from her.

Weird-hair looks at us with urgency, desperately trying to lower the tension of this interaction. "I was just talking to Bakugo about your teleportation. It's exciting to be in class with someone with such a rare type of quirk."

I'm not about to sit here and listen to this idiot praise this other idiot.

I stand to leave.

"Whoa, where you goin, Bakubro?" Weird-hair protests.

"I'm leaving," I mutter.

"Good luck finding another place to sit," Glitch-girl chimes.

I look around the cafeteria to see if she's full of shit or not, and to my dismay, she's not. The cafeteria is completely full, and it'd be too much work to try to find a place to squeeze in.

I roll my eyes and sit back down, then turn to her. "Why do you always follow me around?! Have I not made it clear I want nothing to do with you?!"

She rolls her eyes. "Like I said, there was nowhere else to sit."

"Well don't worry, Kai," Weird-hair insists, with a kind smile. "You can sit here with us now. We'd love to have you!"

"Thanks, Kirishima," she says, smiling back at him.

"Anyway, about your quirk. You have a distance limit on your teleportation?" Weird-hair asks, continuing to brownnose the pest.

"Um, yeah..." she says, seeming uncomfortable all of the sudden. "I um... can't go any farther than 14 meters at a time."

"Is that your only limitation?" Soy sauce-face jumps in.

She clears her throat. "Pretty much, yeah."

"And you can teleport other people?" Dunce-face asks excitedly.

"And objects."

"That's amazing! What are your parents' quirks?" says Weird-hair.

She pauses, gulping loudly. "Um, theyre both quirkless, actually."

"That's dope, so youre a first gen!" Weird-hair exclaims, way too excitedly.

I roll my eyes. This guy manages to find a way to make everything she says seem great, and it's annoying the fuck out of me.

"I bet your kids quirks are gonna be OP," he continues.

She nods. "You bet your ass!"

I do my best to tune them out the rest of the lunch period, but their annoyingly loud conversation is hard to ignore, so I just rest my chin on my fist, non consensually listening.

When the torture session is finally over, and we make our way back to the classroom, All Might appears to tell us about our next assignment: battle training.

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