I stare at Katsuki with wide eyes, and he stares right back, looking just as stunned as I am.
The two goons suddenly let go of us, then rush out the door, leaving us alone.
"Do you think-" Katsuki says, still with that look of a shocked excitement on his face.
"He's here!" I cry, heart soaring so high it nearly flies out of my chest.
Katsuki looks at me with an elated grin. "Then let's fucking go!" he yells, then grabs my hand and runs out the door the stupid goons left open.
"Where are we going?!" I laugh excitedly, as we begin to sprint down the hallway.
"To where the action is!" he replies.
The damn place is like a maze, with dozens of identical hallways in every which way, but we follow the sounds of the distant gunshots and shouting, along with the sound of crashing and rumbling, which continues to grow louder and louder as we run.
"Shoot him!" we hear someone shout, from the other side of a wall not too far away.
"He's fucking bulletproof!" someone else replies.
And at the sound of that, my already soaring heart nearly bursts in excitement.
No fucking way... Could it be?!
The sounds of crashing and rumbling grow closer and closer, until, all of the sudden, the man of the hour bursts through the concrete wall in front of us.
My eyes widen, and my jaw drops at the beautiful sight. "Kiri!" I scream.
My favorite redhead's face lights up when he sees me, with an overjoyed smile. "Guys!" he cries, before leaping forward and taking both me and Katsuki into a group hug.
And just like that, for the first time in a long time, I get the fleeting feeling of true hope. The feeling that, for once, everything could possibly turn out okay.
"Not now, idiot!" shouts Katsuki as he pushes him off us. "Where the hell is the exit?!"
"You're right," Kiri says, frantically. "Follow me!" He begins to lead us through broken wall after broken wall, passing tons of guards sprawled out on the ground, beaten senseless.
"Did you come here alone?" I ask as we climb over the rubble and the stupid government cronies.
"Fuck, I forgot!" Kiri says, "I gotta tell him I found you guys!"
"Tell who?" says Katsuki.
Suddenly, we hear a voice from down the hall. "Don't fucking move!" someone shouts.
"Oh, shit," Kiri says, "C'mon, guys!" he says, then runs down the hall to where the voice came from.
We turn the corner, and my eyes widen in horror at what's on the other side.
There stands my Shiggy, alone, backed into a corner, with 5 guards aiming their guns right at him.
"Move a muscle, you're fucking dead!" one of them shouts.
Tomura glances in our direction, and one of the guards turns his head to us, before whipping around and aiming his rifle right between my eyes. "Don't move!" he shouts.
Suddenly, we hear footsteps from behind us, and 5 more guards come from around the corner, aiming their guns at our heads.
"We have you surrounded!" one shouts.
I frantically look around, searching for any possible means of escape, but there's nowhere to run.
No. No, this can't be happening! After all this, there's still nothing we can do! We're fucked!
I look at Katsuki, and he looks right back at me, with his palms up and ready to fire at the sons of bitches, but I can tell that he's panicking just as much as I am.
My mind begins to race at a million miles per hour as fear and desperation begin to take hold.
All of my pain, all of my suffering, it all means nothing. After everything we've been through to get this close to freedom, these fucking cheaters still get to win.
Stupid fucking guards with their stupid fucking guns, it's not fair! This should be a fair fight, using nothing but our fists and our quirks, like men! Isn't that how it's supposed to be?! Let the best man win?!
Well fuck, I guess I'd still be just as useless without my quirk. Fuck my weakness. It's so fucking stupid. What kind of useless fucking quirk can only activate by doing something as stupid as snapping on my left hand?
I look at Kiri and Katsuki, and I see the fear in their sweet faces. I look over to Tomura, and I see that he's begun to abandon all hope as well.
If only I could teleport. If only I were stronger.
I look to the ground as I crinkle my face into a look of despair, shaking my head at my own uselessness.
If only I weren't so fucking weak, I'd grab my boys, and beam us to the meadow. God, the meadow. How I miss that beautiful place.
I squeeze my eyes shut, allowing a few tears to fall, and imagine what it would be like if only I could go there one last time.
I picture the morning sun glistening on the dewy flowers, and imagine the scent of the crisp mountain air. I take a deep breath, and it's like I can almost smell it.
Suddenly, it's like everything around me has gone quiet, and all I hear is the morning birds singing. It's crazy how serene everything feels all of the sudden, I can even feel the cool breeze of the mountainside.
I shake my head at the thought, and finally reopen my eyes to face reality, but for some reason, all I see is pink and purple flowers as far as the eye can see, with tall black and gray mountains in the distance.
What? The meadow? How the hell did I get here? My hand is still fucked to high heavens. Am I dead or something?
I squeeze my eyes shut again, and try to picture where I was just now, then open them to wake myself from what must be a dream. And suddenly, there I am, next to my friends, with guards aiming their guns in our faces.
Before I can waste another moment of my time, I grab Kiri and Katsuki's hands, shut my eyes, picture the meadow, and open them, and all of the sudden, there we are.
And before they can even react, I shut my eyes, picture Tomura, and reopen them, grabbing ahold of his arm, and taking him back to the meadow, where Kiri as Kats are still waiting there with wide eyes.

aerie (bakugo katsuki x oc)
Fanfictionkaiya miyasaki, teleporting nuisance, loves nothing more than to get on bakugo's nerves. but after an accidentally intimate night together, they go from unlikely friends to something more. but once everything is finally seeming to come together, sec...