chapter 93: might as well

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  "What the hell are you talking about?"

   "I'm talkin'bout you, me, and a big bottle of sake. Tonight!"

   "No," I say, taking my phone off my ear to end the call.

   "C'monnn!" I hear Kirishima say, and for some reason I just cant bring myself to hang up.

   I bring the phone back to my ear. "I told you, I want to be alone."

   "We will be alone! My parents are only gonna be gone this one weekend, then we're moving into dorms next week! This is our only chance! C'mon Bakugo, be a man about this!"

   I put my tongue in my cheek. Maybe Kirishima's right, and being around people is what I need, because isolating myself in my room sure as hell isn't working.

"Alright, fine," I say, then hear an annoying ass cheer on the other line.


I knock on Kirishima's door, and he opens up almost immediately.

   "Bakugo!" he exclaims. His face already looks red, and by the way he's swaying side to side with the bottle in his hand, I can tell that he's started without me. "Come in, come in," he says.

   I walk past him and make my way to the couch, before kicking off my shoes and propping my feet up on the coffee table.

   "Go ahead," says Kirishima, "Make yourself at home."

   "Yeah," I say, "Since you practically begged me to come, why don't you go pour me a drink."

   "Sure thing!" he says, before jogging into the kitchen.

   I despise the way he's acting, coddling me like I'm a fucking baby. Doesn't he know that I'll be just fine without that stupid girl? But whatever, if he wants to practically be my servant, then so be it.

Kirishima pours me an entire glass of sake like it's fucking apple juice, but I don't say anything about it.

This is what people do when they get broken up with, right? It makes them feel better, so fuck it, I'll give it a shot.

It's hard for me not to gag, but I manage to chug the entire glass in one go. When I slam the glass back on the table, Kirishima look surprised to say the least.

"Whoa man," he says, "That was kind of insane."

"You calling me crazy?!" I shout. "I'll knock every screw right out of your thick skull, then we'll see who's crazy!"

"No, bro," he says with a slight chuckle. "I meant that in a good way, like it was totally awesome."

"Then what are you waiting for idiot?" I say, "Get me another!"

"Suree thing man!" he says, before practically skipping back into the kitchen.

As soon as Kirishima leaves the room, I start to feel warm. I feel my eyes start to droop a little, and the corners of my mouth turn up. But the most noticeable feeling, and by far the best, is that the heavy weight that's been weighing on my chest suddenly lifts a bit.

Oh, I could get used to this.

Kirishima comes back, and I begin to knock back the second glass, as he drinks a much smaller one alongside me. We slam our cups on the table, and I sit back with a satisfied smile. This is the first time in 2 weeks that I've smiled, and man, does it feel good. I'm on cloud 9 right about now, without a care in the world.

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