chapter 103: repentance

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Suddenly, the door swings open, and in pours Dabi, Twice, and Toga.

"Tomura!" cries Twice. "We've got some seriously bad news!"

"What is it?" I mutter.

"It's your little girlfriend," says Dabi, "She's leading the heroes here."

"That's impossible," I reply, "She's locked up. I just saw her an hour ago."

"No. She invaded our fucking dreams, the twat. And Twice here gave up the address."

I feel my eyes widen. As soon as he says it, I don't need any convincing, I just know that it's something she'd do. After everything I fucking did to keep this kind of thing from happening, that damn girl always finds a way. It's one of the things I love most about her, but it's so fucking annoying at times like this.

   I stand. "We need to leave, now."

But as soon as I say that, Spinner bursts through the door. "Heroes!" he says, completely out of breath. "We've got heroes on the first floor, and they have Kurogiri!"

"Fuck," I say, rifling through my thoughts trying to come up with an idea.

"It's fine," says Dabi, "I have a plan."

"What is it?" I ask.

"No time to explain," he replies, "They're searching floor by floor from the ground up, go downstairs to stall for time. They're gonna want to know where she is, so when they get to you, take them to the room where you're keeping her. I'll be in there, waiting."

"What is it that you're planning to do?" I ask.

"It's better if you don't know, trust me. But I'll get us all out of this."

I look between the three of them, and nod slightly.

"You guys, with me," Dabi says to the others, and they rush out the door, leaving me alone.

Whatever he's planning to do, it better fucking work.

I decide to go to the 12th floor, if the heroes know anything about storming a building, maybe they'd know to start where the solitary rooms are. You can never underestimate these pro-heroes, they know their way around.

I quickly make my way down the stairs, and by the sound of a door opening far below, I quicken my step and swing open the door to the 12th floor as fast as possible. Once I'm out of the stairwell, I feel safe enough to slow down to a more comfortable pace. I decide to sit in the waiting area in the hallway next to the stairs to twiddle my thumbs as I wait impatiently for the heroes to arrive.

Not 2 minutes by the time I sit down, the door to the stairwell swings open, and out comes the explosive brat, along with the redhead, followed by two of my favorite pros. It doesn't take long for them to notice me, and once they do, sparky sprints up to me and sticks his sweaty palms in my face.

It's humorous to me that he cares so much, considering how quick she was to forget him and fall right back into my arms, even if it wasn't for long. I can't help but taunt him with that fact, and the look on his face is priceless. I also can't resist letting the heroes know about Aerie's lengthy rap sheet of a life of crime, and again, the looks on their faces makes this whole mess almost worth it. After I feel like I've fucked with them enough, I do as Dabi said, and begin to lead them to the elevator to take them to Aerie's room. I'm curious to see what plan Dabi has laid out for this, and if it'll work. I don't really have much of a choice at this point.

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